T,w,E,n,T,y, 5

416 19 19

                                       ACE (Jeff X Reader) ~The Death Card

                                                                 8(x O x)8

"So? How'd it go?" Jeff asked, narrowing his eyes at Smile. 

"Yeah, it's fine," Smile said, quickly looking away before rubbing his neck. 

Jeff didn't say anything more, just staring at Smile suspiciously with his un-moving cold eyes. Smile then perked his head up before smirking back at Jeff. "Hmm.. Are you worried about her?" He asked, his tone rising up.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Jeff retorted back. "She's in the hands of a psycho-killer clown.." He muttered, looking away. 

"Whatever you say, master." Smile shrugged, before hopping over the couch and slowly sinking into the couch. "But, aren't you a psycho killer too?" He asked, eyes gleaming curiously. 

"At least I'm not that psychotic like that clown.." Jeff muttered, his tone slowly giving out on him. Am I? He thought, staring at his hands. 

"Haha," Smile laughed from behind him. "You do like that girl, don't you? I guess it makes sense. That girl is really interesting, isn't she?" Smile asked.

"Shut up.." Jeff muttered, shooting a glare at Smile as he stood up from the couch. 


"Bishop, Diagonal-Left!" 

"Queen, Diagonal-Right!" 

The two opponents have been battling for almost an hour now. The girl had began to sweat nervously, though she was trying not to give her best away, still keeping her attention, though her patience was losing it.

LJ, on the other side of the massive chess board, was chilling with ease, leaning against his black chess piece King, not budging at all as he smirked at the girl from the opposite direction. So far into the game, the girl was losing. But she still had a few options left to win the game, or manage to lose a life out of the three that she had. 

She stared despairingly as the clown's black Queen chess piece grew twice of it's original size before lifting up, and smashing the girl's white Bishop chess piece into little bits. She glanced back at the clown who was staring at her, his gaze not moving. 

I must get to his King. The girl thought. And fast. 

LJ seemed to notice the distress in the girl's eyes before calling out to her, "Want a break?" 

The girl shook her head, denying his offer. "No, let's finish the game." She called back, her tone, icily.

The hourglass resumed back to it's sand flowing towards the bottom. It was almost empty, the girl thought, eyeing it. Even though the clown had capture her white Bishop chess piece, with using his black Queen chess piece, he didn't have any other strong forces left, except for the King, and a few remaining black chess pieces along side of it.

I still have my Queen left, the girl thought, her heart beating fast. She could see that if she moved her Queen forward, she could end the game by destroying the clown's King. It would be all over, she added with a relief sigh.

Gaining confidence and courage, she called out, "Queen, Forward!" with bravery in her voice.

She backed a few steps away from her white chess piece before it started making a rumbling noise, lifting itself from it's place and gliding softly forwards towards the clown's black King. Let all of this be over, the girl pleaded, staring at her chess piece which was a few squares away from victory.

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