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                                ACE (Jeff X Reader) ~The Death Card 


The girl woke up, finding herself in the same dark cold room she was imprisoned it. For a heartbeat, she forgot how she'd got here. But soon, after she sat up, memories started flooding back to her mind. She sat up and hugged her knees, staring at the floor.

Suddenly, the door began to creak open and in came Jeff with his usual self. Though as the girl looked closely, she could see a sparkle of tears in Jeff's wide eyes, that only lasted for a second. Jeff came towards the girl and bent his knees so he was face to face with the girl. 

He licked his lips and smirked. "Time for me to ask you one of my questions." He said happily. The girl waited for this moment, she had been thinking, been scared, what Jeff was about to say. Either it was why she moved away, why she hadn't stopped Jeff from damaging his face, or why had she been so stupid that she never came to see Jeff.

The girl waited tensily for Jeff's question but what Jeff asked her was completely different from what she had thought for. Jeff slowly pulled out something from his back. The girl tilted her head, peering her eyes closely at the object Jeff was holding until he held it up for her to see closely. It was an ace card, the card that was used in the decks, when playing with friends.

She remembered she used to play cards with her Father, constantly losing to him since she showed bad quality in gaming. The girl looked at the card confusedly. "Do you know what this is?" Jeff asked, holding the ace card out to her. 

"An ace card?" The girl replied. 

"Correct." Jeff nodded, approvingly. "Do you know what it does?" He pressed on.

The girl paused, recalling to the past when her Father used to explain the rules of Cards when she first played as a kid. 

"Alright, listen up Kiddo. This is an ace card." Her Father picked up a a white card that had a single spade symbol in the center, and in it's two corners had tiny carved spades and on top of them, had the capital letter, A engraved on opposite corners of the card. "The ace card," Her Father continued, "is the highest card, in the deck of playing cards." He added a wink to the little girl who was still a kid. "At least that's what Google appears to have said." He chuckled.

The girl shook herself out of her memories and stared back at the patinetly waiting Jeff. "It's the highest card in the deck of playing cards." She repeated what her Father had told her when she was little.

"Correct." Jeff repeated. He fiddled the card with one hand using two pale, white fingers and stared at the twirling card. "Remember what I said?" Jeff asked, his eyes gleaming.

The girl stared at him, waiting for a response. A few moments passed before Jeff finally answered, "When I let you off the chains," He said, "I said to you, 'Enter this game,'" Jeff continued. "'and show me no mercy.'"

The girl still stared at him in confusion. "What do you mean?" The girl asked.

"Perhaps you don't understand." Jeff said, standing up, now looming over the girl. "You gave me your word." He recalled. "Now, you must enter my game."

With a magic snap of his fingers, a dust of smoke slowly appeared, surrounding the girl, Jeff, and the room, making the girl cough, sneeze, and choke. She waved the dust of smoke away and wiped her wet tears away as she gazed up, her mouth agape wide as she was face to face with a taller male than Jeff, almost hovering over her.

He had messy back hair, piercing black eyes, was wearing black suspenders, and had black and white clothing. He even had claws, the girl thought her eyes wide. Everything about the strange male was colored in monochrome. He somewhat looked like a clown, she thought.

Suddenly, Jeff stepped around the clown, waving some smoke that still clung to his nose. Once he finished, he finally sighed. "Meet Laughing Jack." He introduced the tall clown, extending his palm out to the clown. "Or just call him LJ, Jack, or Mr. Creepy Clown." Suddenly the clown let out a deep growl in his throat, making the girl cower back into the corner. 

"Joking!" Jeff chuckled. "Anyway," He continued. His tone of humor starting to fade. "He'll be the one introducing you to the games I planned." Then with a more sarcastic tone he added, "Don't mind him if he's nuts in the heads. He often changes his mood every so often, and might try to kill you, but  I won't let that happen." Jeff smiled.

The girl shivered at the thought of having to be killed by just one swipe of the clown's sharp claws as he smiled at her, his white sharp teeth perfectly in rows. "Besides," Jeff continued. "I'll be the one killing you with my own hands." 

The girl winced, having to think about the scary thought of Jeff looming over her, her once best friend when she was little, having to be killed by his own hands as she remembered when they tumbled down into the forest, him, pinning down her and raising the knife above her chest and-

The girl blinked her eyes. "H-How many games will be there?" The girl stammered.

"As long as I say stop." Jeff smirked, his carved openings on his cheeks slowly widening. "Now, LJ will be teleporting you into my little game that I have created. You'll have three lives." Jeff explained, narrowing his eyes as he said the instructions carefully and slowly. "If you fail the task, you will lose one life. However, there are bonus points, like in a normal game you play." He added.

"The bonus point will gain you one extra life, keeping you alive in the game. Each day, you will be given a task to complete. Eventually I will come to check you out while you are playing, and you will be given ten minutes to ask me a question and so will I, on the following day." Jeff said. "I never break a promise." He added, with a tone of menace in his voice, that seemed to remind the girl what she did when she had moved away and broke her promise to him when they were still friends.

"LJ." He nodded to the clown. "Take her to her first task. If anything goes wrong, tell me and I'll come right away." The clown nodded at his instructions and slowly stepped over to the girl. He held out one hand and bowed. "M'Lady." He said with proper manner, unlike Jeff. "Take my hand and I shall escort you to your first task." The clown's eyes were glimmering in amusement as he looked up at the girl.

Unsure, the girl hesitated for a moment before looking at Jeff's wide eyes and back at the clown's hand, slowly reaching out to grab his clawed hand. Once she did, she felt the dusty smoke beginning to surround her and the clown. She coughed and waved the dust out of her sight as she began to see a view of Jeff.

"Remember, Y/N." He said. "Enter this game, and follow the rules. Answer my questions," Jeff's eyes glimmered as he spoke. "And show me no mercy."

As Jeff spoke his last words, the smoke started swirling quicker, and the air getting thicker, as the magical dust slowly covered the girl's sight of Jeff, taking her, and the clown to the girl's first task to complete in Jeff's game. 

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