t,W,e,N,t,Y, 6

391 19 16

                                         ACE (Jeff X Reader)~ The Death Card

                                                                      ( ̄^ ̄)

"The hell happened to her?" Jeff yelled, immediately jumping up to his feet.

Smile was right behind him, poking his head curiously around.

LJ didn't say anything yet, just kept walking past Jeff lightly shoving him in the shoulder before setting the half-sleeping girl on the couch. Her skin was now covered in grey ashes and there were a few cuts against her legs and arms.

Once the clown finished, he brushed his hands off and looked towards the both of them. "Geez, aren't you worried about me at all?" 

"Answer my question." Jeff growled beneath his throat.

LJ let out a defeated shrug. "To be honest, I don't know what happened either. All of a sudden, she just.." he trailed off before he found his voice again. "Disappeared." He murmured.

Jeff narrowed his eyes confusedly. "How?" He asked

The clown sighed. "I don't know. But she somehow ended up winning the game.." He stopped speaking before his eyes suddenly grew wide. "Unless.." He mumbled to himself.

Jeff heard him. "Unless what?" He prompt.

"We were playing the game in an imaginary room." He glanced up to see Smile and Jeff in a dumb-founded look, before adding a hint of sarcasm to his tone. "A place where you can imagine things, and it can come true." 

Jeff and Smile nodded, making an "o" shape with their mouths. 

"Anyway," LJ said, clearing his throat. "I didn't know she had the potential power to imagine her winning the game.." 

"She must be really powerful.." He nodded, looking back at them.

Jeff nodded with him. "You'll have to be careful and look out for any further signs." Hesitating, he added. "We don't want any trouble." 

"Though, I'm still wondering one thing.." LJ said, his voice trailing off to a higher note. 

"What is it?" Jeff asked.

"I don't know what the cause was to the explosion. That's why she's hurt." The clown added, nodding towards the half-unconcious girl lying on the couch. 

Jeff sighed, covering his face up with his matted hair and his hands. "Just.. Help me look into it okay?" He asked.

The clown nodded, doing anything for his friend. He then stood up. "I have to go now." He said.

Smile spoke up from behind Jeff. "What about you? You're hurt." He said, eyes giving away his sympathy.

The clown smiled before walking towards Smile, ruffling his head, as if he were still in dog form. "I'll be fine. My body heals quickly anway." He turned and nodded towards Jeff. "She can take a break if you want, unless she heals by the time." His eyes mischievously glinting.

LJ weakly commanded his teleportation, the smoke ashes rising up more slower than intended, but managed to teleport himself with using his remaining strength left in his body to summon up the remaining ashes, delivering him to his home base. 

He weakly sat on his worn out bed, in a small, damp, dark room. However, he paused, admiring at the walls, softly tracing them, making him bring back old memories. He then slowly reached underneath his bed and pulled out an old Jack-in-the-Box and started slowly winding it. 

The music started going down-hill, but Jack didn't mind. He smiled softly as the little box slowly creaked open. He then bent down and looked at it, petting the bloody rusty rim of the edges softly. He whispered softly, as gently petting the box, "It's been a while, Issac. I missed you." 


Smile shrinked into his dog form before padding over and sitting over at the girl's hand, softly licking it. Suddenly, a vibration stirred up, and the girl slit her one eye open before glancing down at Smile and petting his head softly.

Jeff turned to her movement and his eyes softened into a sympathy gaze. "You should get some rest." He murmured. "Smile," he added. "Stop bothering her. She needs to rest." 

Smile whimpered, flattening his ears before tail drooping, padded slowly out of the room, sleeping underneath the kitchen table. 

The girl slowly turned around to face him, her tired eyes blinking up at him. She tried talking to him, but barely managed, whispering in a hoarse voice. "Jeff.." 

Jeff tried shushing her, but the girl shook her head, continuing on, swallowing. "Jeff.." she repeated, trying one more time. "It's your turn to ask me a question.." 

Jeff look perplexed. "What? Now?" 

The girl weakly nodded, making Jeff hesitate at asking his question. He finally swallowed his doubt and quietly spoke, "Do you know what caused the explosion?" 

He was hoping the girl would answer quickly, so he could confirm what LJ had been wondering, if she were the cause to the explosion. As the girl stopped speaking, he took the oppurtunity to look at her. He could see the scrapes, bloody cuts, and a few bruises among her limbs and on her face. 

She still looked pretty though, he thought, his face immediately heating up at what he had just thought, quickly looking away from embarassment, hoping that the girl didn't notice.

The girl swallowed, didn't notice Jeff's tomato face, but focused on her thoughts instead. Jeff noticed her hesitation once he'd calm himself down. "Y/N..?" He asked, lightly shoving her on her legs.

"Huh?" The girl snapped out of her daze and turned towards him. "Oh, I.. Can I answer you tomorrow?" She asked.

Jeff felt disappointed a bit, but nodded, understandingily. "Sure," he tapped the girl lightly on her ankle. "Rest up." 

The girl nodded, and watched as Jeff walked out of her sight. Once she did, she turned her head towards the left, and sighed, her tired eyes begging for darkness. But as she did, all she could hear was Jeff's voice echoing throughout her mind and thoughts. "Do you know what caused the explosion?" 

[ ✔ ] ᴀᴄᴇ - ᴊᴛᴋOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora