Ch 8: Black & Noke, Better than Rum & Coke

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"He's been acting off since we met with them." She walks into the kitchen, opens his fridge and gets a bottle of water as her mind continues to glue the information together.

Intrigue sets his features as he leans against the wall observing her. He loves watching her body conform and command his, but it's nothing compared to how much he loves watching her mind work.

"What do you mean, off?"

She takes a few sips and screws the cap back on, placing it on the counter. "Like...not himself. Secretive, suspicious, like he's up to something..."

Introspection contorts her face is an almost comical way. "I know he is. I can feel it."

Her sudden focus breaks his focal coma. "And whatever it is, it isn't good Miles."

She takes another swig of water, shaking her head. Her hand against her forehead. "I...I just don't want anyone to get hurt. I know how Bruce used to be...I don't want him to turn back into...him."

She leans against the counter. "I can see it happening." She whines, her mind conjuring every worst case scenario possible.

She sniffles. "Bruce can be intimidating all on his own. But Black...Black is scary, Miles."

Miles steps toward her, pulling her to him by her waist. "Do you have proof?" He asks, trying to calm her.

She shakes her head. "Nikolai Williams. I have the guy's name."

He jerks her out in front of him, so fast she'd lose he balance if he wasn't holding on to her. "Noke Wyatt?!"

Her eyes grow to the size of saucers. "You know his Alias?"

Miles nods with a sigh. "Yeah..."

He let's her go to run a hand down Hillary face. "I also know that detectives have been tailing him since he got into town."

His thoughts seemingly platered to the wall he's focused on. "And you said Bruce was talking with him and acting suspicious?"

She nods. "Yeah. He didn't notice I was there, but I saw Noke walk into Bruce's office with a folder, and walk out empty handed."

"When I walked into Bruce's office he was looking in it, but put the contents away when I showed up..."

Miles looks at her biting his lip. "Okay."

He pulls her to his chest, rubbing her back. "I'll take care of it, okay."

She nods against his chest, sighing in relief. She looks up at him. "And you'll look out for Daniel and Alexis and make sure nothing bad happens to them? Though...I don't really think I should be worried about Alexis, since he seems to be infatuated with her as of late... Or maybe you should..." She mumbles.

"I will look after Daniel AND Alexis. I promise. Nothing bad is going to happen to either of them...okay?"

She nods, hugging him. "Thank you Miles."

After a moment of silence. "You smell really good."

He pushes away from him, frowning at him. "Goodbye, Miles."

He chuckles.

She walks toward the door, Miles following behind her. "Thank you. I-I came to you, because I trust you. I don't know who Noke has in his pocket, and who he doesn't."

He nods. "Trust me, I know. Like I said, I'll take care of it."

She nods, walking out the door to her car. Miles escorting her.

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