answer for the sequel

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Ready drum roll please!!!!!!!

*drums play in the background*

*they stop*

*watching Gotham, and finally looks back at readers*

Oh I guess you guys want an answer. Oh well I hate yo tell you I don't know, so I can't tell ya. I don't even know myself, so you guys are out of luck.

Hailey! Don't be mean! You do know, and you just won't tell them!

Come on just tell them please. They are going to go nuts if they don't know!

Okay okay. So I know I haven't answered any comments, and that's because I don't anyone thinking that I am favoring one over the other. Okay so is that what I was suppose to Say?

God dang it Hailey! No tell them what kind of kid they will be having!

I want to know where you guys were at yesterday first.

Oh I was just chilling, and did you know you have a very creepy basement?

I was checking on Mark without him knowing.

Okay cool. I believe you guys. So you will be having..................................
TWINS!!!!! A boy and a girl. Now I'm going to tell you the name, that way you can still give me some. Also the names won't be revealed until the book is out, but this time I will comment back!

Okay well I love you lovely Random Readers like a second family! I hope you have a lovely day! I hope to see you in the next BOOK!!!! BYE XD!!!!! 💚💚💚<3 <3 <3

When did you start saying book?

When she ended this one.

Oh okay bye!


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