Chapter 16

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Dark's POV~

So what have I been doing while Y/N is out having fun? I have been doing nothing! I am still shocked at the fact that she 'ran' away from me. What did I do to make her so scared of me? I was nothing, but nice to her!

I was sitting in the living room when Mark walks in and sits down on the couch. He looks tired and exhausted. Yes I know that means the same thing, but still! Let's just say Mark looked completely dead!

"Hey Mark are you okay? You look dead," I asked as I muted the tv. What I might be a jerk at times, but I will want him to know I'm here for him.

"I'm fine. I am just getting videos done, wondering how Y/N is doing, and making sure I have time of other things," Mark said as he runs his fingers through his hair.

"Why are you worried about Y/N? She is 26 she will be fine. Plus it isn't like she moved out of the country. I bet she moved back home where she use to live," I tell him. I really don't know where she is, but I can tell that he is really worried.

"Yea sure she's okay. Not like she is with Jack in Ireland and just met Anti," Mark mumbled. At least he thinks he mumbled. The idiot said it out loud.

I got up and walked outside to the back yard. Chica greeted me by jumping on me. Of course I was nice and started to pet her. I might be a demon, but I still have a heart. Okay now I have to call Anti. I went to voicemail the first time so I called back, and he picked up on the fifth ring.

"Hello Anti's phone. This is Y/N speaking, may I ask who is calling," Y/N said over the phone.

"Hey Y/N, where is Anti I have to talk to him," I said kind of rushed. I don't want here to know it's me because she might hang up.

"He is around, but he wants to know who is calling before I hand him the phone," she said. I could tell she has a smirk, but of course she has to act like her normal smart self.

Y/N's POV~

Oh I know I'm on the phone with Dark. I'm not that stupid, but I figured I'll let Dark think I am. I mean come on who would rush a sentence unless they don't want the person on the phone to know who they are.

"Look Y/N I need to talk to," was all Dark got out because I hung up. Yup, and I feel very proud on that.

I walked back into the room that everyone was in, and I tossed Anti his cell. He caught it with easy and smiled a goofy smile at me. For some odd reason I'm not scared of him unlike I am with Dark. Like I know Anti is a demon, but for some reason he seems like someone I have known my whole life.

"So Y/N, ye never told us what happened to your wrist. So what happened," Jack asked me. He looked worried like I did something I won't want to talk about it.

"Oh I was trying to listen into Dark and Mark and fell down I think ten stairs. I sprained it there, and Dark went to help me up, but I crawled away, and then put all my weight on it and broke it," I said as I held up my wrist and examined it.

"Oh well why did you pic the color (F/C)? I mean if you don't mind me asking," Signe asked me. I just giggles at her because she is always so nice.

"Oh I picked this color because it is my favorite. Also I use to have my room painted this color when I lived with my mom," I said as I took my unbroken hand and wiped a tear away.

"Are ye okay? What's wrong? Did something happen," Anti asked. I guess when we is with Jack or in his home town he has accent, or maybe he has always had it. I mean I never really talked to him.

"I'm fine. Just old memories that I don't feel like talking about at the moment. Can we do something else," I asked as soon as I got the chance.

"Sure. Sorry if I hurt your feelings I didn't mean to," Signe says as she down at her lap.

I get up and walk over to give her a hug. It wasn't like she knew that my room was (F/C) back when I was little and still had my mom. No one knew or knows, but my brother and Mark. I wish it wasn't hard for me to talk about, but I just can't talk about it to anyone.

~Time Skip to where you are sleeping~

I was thirteen again. Mom was at work, Chase was outside in the pool, and dad was setting up for my party. Yup it was my birthday today!

I just turned thirteen and I was having all my friends over for a party! A pool party to be exact! I was going to have Seth, Faith, Lexi, Andrew, Lily, Darren, Theo, Corey, and Mark. Yes I know wow more guy friends then girls. I didn't like a lot of girls, and plus Mark was and will always be my best friend.

Well anyways I was inside with Mark making my cake. Since mom had to work Mark and I said we will make the cake. Let's just she wasn't very smart saying we could make the cake. Oh did I forget to mention it was being made by scratch! Yea flour and every other ingredient was everywhere!

"Y/N your mom is going to kill you. I can't believe you made this big of a mess," Mark said. Of course he was spotless, want to know why? Because he threw the stuff at me and dodged everything I threw at him.

"Yea not like I didn't do anything! You are the jerk who threw stuff at me! So you know what give me a big hug," I said as I lunged at Mark.

Luckily I caught him off guard and tackled him. So as you can tell both of us got extremely messy. Not that it mattered because I won't be the only one getting in trouble.

"Sucker! I rock and you suck," I said as I got up and did a little dance. Of course it was a really dumb, but funny dance. Yea and it was funny, I mean why won't it be.

"Y/N how could you! I was clean. Also ouch! That hurt! Why don't you play for the football team," Mark asked as he rubbed his back.

"I did play. Remember? I was the best tackler the team has ever seen, but the boys didn't like me playing so I quit. That is also why I have so many guy friends," I said with my hands on my hips.

Mark just laughs and shakes his head. He then walks to my bathroom to get a shower. Let's just say Mark has been here one to many times so he knows where everything is. Well while he goes to get his shower I went to go see if I can help with the set up.

I was laughing by the time I walked outside. I didn't even notice the girl that kind of looked like me in the pool. Once I looked up and saw the girl I froze. I don't have a sister I only have a brother. I then go to my dad, but I don't really make it all the way over to him. The reason why is because I see him kissing someone. That someone was my old dance teacher!

~end of dream~

I woke up in a cold sweat and I started to cry. I need someone, but I can't go to Jack or even Signe. I don't want Anti to know either. So I just lay there and quietly cry to let it out. I didn't want many people to know I was a crier so this is when I do it. I cry at night and go back to see, and that's what I did.


Wow! What the hell kind of ending is that!

I was in the next room! I could have helped her! I mean come on!

Yea and I could have teleported to help her! Why would you end it like that?!

Well you guys decided to show up in this book too! Wow! Okay anyways sorry for the crapy ending. I had some writers block for this story. Okay so here you go, it is kind of a filler chapter. Once again sorry for it being like 11 days. However look I'm not dead, just had some writer's block and a bad case of laziness!

Well I love you lovely Random Readers like a second family! I hope you have a lovely day! I hope to see you in the next CHAPTER!! BYE XD!!! 💚💚💚 <3<3<3

That was the crappiest way to end a chapter!

I know! I really want to hit her!

However we can't Dark.

Why can't we Anti?

Because the author, well Hailey, can hurt us!

True. Well bye readers! See you in the next chapter!

Yea what Dark said!

Darkiplier X ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora