Chapter 30

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Y/N's POV~

Okay after last night everything seemed to have calmed down. Okay maybe I lied. What I mean is once Dark and Mark finally left Sam and her sisters came home. Also instead of me avoiding the Greene sisters's reunion back fired. Let's just say I went to sneak past them, but Hailey saw me.

"Hey there Y/N. We have a question for you," Hailey says as she looks over her shoulder. I visibly flinch which made each one of them, but Sam laugh. Sam and I have been picked on by her sisters, but then again we did pull some very mean pranks on them.

Okay so I'll explain. One time we swapped Hailey's shampoo with hair dye, and her hair went from the pretty brown she had to this bright pink. Then with Beth we locked her out of the house, and when she was able to get in we dumped honey and feathers on her. Oh and the twins, Alex and Kate, we locked them in the basement with their mean dog. Needless to say they beat the crap out of us right after that, but Sam and I thought it was worth it.

"Yea what can I help you with," I said as I walked into my living room. I see Kate, Hailey, and Beth sitting on my couch. While Sam and the dogs are on the love seat. I wonder where Alex is?

"Do you know where your douche bag of a brother is," Kate asks looking me in the eye. I look back at her and tilt my head like I'm a lost puppy. Why do they need to know where Chase is? Also should I tell them that he isn't really my brother? You know what nah I won't.

"No I don't know where Chase is. Why do you want to know," I said as I take a seat on my coffee table. I sit so I'm facing Sam's sisters, and I'm slowly realizing that they have similar features. Like all the girl have a few freckles on their noses, and they all have brown hair, well Sam doesn't because she dyed her hair a bright purple.

"Well your brother was Alex's fiancé. Yea I know we didn't know either, or we would have stopped her. So do you mind calling him here," Kate says as she breaks me out of my thought. I just sigh and nod my head and dial his number, and surprisingly he picked up on the third ring.

"What do you want Y/N? I'm not in the mood," he says very rudely I  might add. I pull the phone away from my ear and glare at it. I then sigh again and place it back on my ear.

"Why hello to you too. Anyways I need some help with ummmm moving," I said as a question. I only said that because I have a feeling he would help and be happy about that.

"Okay I'll be there. Also I'm finally glad to know you will be leaving LA. Please tell me you are also moving out of the country. You know what don't tell me. I want it to be a surprise," and with that he hung up.

I glare at my phone one more time before putting it away. I then looked up to look at the three of the five sisters. They all looked like they were dying to know if he will be coming. I just nod my head, and then get up leaving. I then get to the front door before I yelled at them.

"Hey just let him in, and do whatever you need to do. Also help yourself to whatever. I'll be at Mark's, and if you need me Sam knows where he lives."

With that I was out the door walking over to Mark's. I just really need to vent to someone, but at the same time I don't feel like it because it isn't anything big. I just need a good night sleep, but I know that won't be happening anytime soon. After Dark came into my life everything seemed to be getting crazy. I finally get to his door and just let myself in.

"Honey I'm home," I scream as I walk in. Chica comes running up to me and jumps on me. Of course I just laugh and walk to Mark's living room. When I walk in I see Mark and Amy sitting on his couch. I turn around and say how I'll come back later. He said something, but I didn't hear him because I was already out the door.

I was walking back passed my house when I see Chase's car in my drive way. I debated on walking back in or just walking away, and I chose to walk away. I walk straight to the park not even thinking about it either.

Once I get there I sit on a bench. I was sitting there for at the most a few minutes. I pull out my phone and go to my reading app because why not. I was there for another few minutes when someone sits besides me. Of course I glance over at them, and I see it's Anti.

"You okay there Y/N," he asks calmly.

"Yea I'm fine. Why do you ask," I say. However of course my voice cracks and I know I'm about to cry.

"No you aren't tell me what's wrong," he says as he puts his arm around my shoulder. He then pulls me into a side hug.

"It's just everything has changed since I met you and Dark. Then it has just gotten more and more crazy since I started to date Dark. I don't know what to do. I mean I want my old life back, but at the same time I don't! What do I do," I said as I start to cry.

He doesn't reply. Instead he pulls me into a tighter hug, and I know he is telling me to cry as much as I want. So that's what I did.


Sorry this is like a day or two later. I'm so sorry I have been very busy!

Busy doing what? It isn't like you have a life let alone a boyfriend. I mean heck you did nothing yesterday.

DARK! That was rude.

It was the truth.

Oh shut the heck up Dark. Sorry guys, but I haven't really felt like myself. I've been wanting to cry lately, but I know I shouldn't. It's just been rough.

Hailey it's okay. They love you they understand.

Shit Hailey I didn't know that. I'm sorry. Also what Anti said.

Thanks guys. Also it's cool Dark. Oh and the book has hit 11K in the short time of it being 10K! You guys are amazingly awesome!

Okay well I love you lovely Random Readers like a second family! I hope you have a lovely day! And I hope to see you on the next CHAPTER! BYE XD!!!!! 💚💚💚 <3<3<3

Bye guys!

See yas!

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