Chapter 28

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"Y/N. You aren't necessarily a human. You're an angel, but at the same time you're the devil's sister. Look I know it is messed and all," Dark tells me. He continues to talk, but I'm so confused and zoned out to even listen.

"You okay there Y/N? You look lost," Anti asks me. Once again I hear him, but it goes in one ear and out the other.

They have to be pulling my leg. Thank the lord that we walked to the park. I let the dogs off the leashes and let them run. I then sit down to let everything process. They must be kidding, right? There is no way what they are telling me is true!

"Are you guys bull shitting me? Please tell me the truth," I about scream. However I'm able to keep my cool and not scream. The two idiots in front of me look at each other than at me.

"Y/N we aren't bull shitting you. That is the main reason you and Dark can date. I mean I won't be as crazy as him to go and date an angel, let alone Lucifer's sister. Look we know you don't really understand, but we can't really explain any further than what we did. So if you want a full exclamation go see Lucifer," Anti says.

Dark glares at him, but then looks back at me and nods his head. Then each other them at the same time sigh and finally sit beside me. While they look relieved for finally telling me, I look more confused than ever! I mean at the moment I probably won't be able to find my way out of a paper bag!

"So what you guys just told me is the truth? Also how comes I never knew about this until now," I ask. I don't even look at them, I'm watching my dogs wrestle in the middle of the park at 2:00 I the morning.

"Well that was the tricky part according to Lucifer. You see when you were younger everyone had your life planned out, same with that douche bags. Well some where along the way it was set that you would be considered as a fallen angel, and you would be the one to rule instead of Lucifer. Well someone threatened your life, so he did the only thing he could think of. He erased the memories of him, and replaced them with your 'brother and parents'. So now you know the truth. There is really nothing else to say," Dark spills to me.

I put my head into my hands. I can feel the tears coming on. Great I'm about to cry for no reason, but at the same time I was told my whole life was a lie. So do I have a right to cry or even trow a fit? I have no clue! I'm 26 years old, and I want to cry! Gosh damn it!

"Y/N you can cry if you want. No one will judge you," Dark says as he puts his arm on my shoulder. Does he think this is going to help me?!


"Y/N are you okay? I know what you just got told is a lot to take in, but you need to stay calm. Let's calmly talk about this," Anti says sounding like some peacekeeper. Gosh what I won't give to slap him into next week!

"Just shut up the both of you! Also Dark we are taking a break, and Anti don't talk to me. You know what! How about the both of you just stop talking to me for a bit. Belle! Beast! Let's go."

On that note I walked out of the park. Maybe it is just a bad dream. Heck I'm probably laying on the ground fast asleep by Mark. I really hope this is just some crazy dream, but sadly I know it isn't.

Dark's POV~

I watched her walk out of the park. I can't believe that she just dumped me. Well I think she did, but it still hurts. I mean come on! I really do care about her, and now she is gone.

"Damn dude. That chick of yours is kind of crazy. You may want to get her looked at," Anti says once she is out of ear shot. I know he was just joking around because he started to chuckle after he said it.

"Anti that isn't helping. That was the one person that I actually cared about, and now she is gone! We find out she is a fallen angel basically, and now she wants nothing to do with me! What do I do?"

He just looks at me. I can see him trying to come up with the best answer. Nothing is going to help though. I just want Y/N to be happy, and not hate who she really is. I also don't want that douche bag of her brother finding out about what happened!

"Oh I already know Dark. You think I haven't been keeping an eye out for her. Also I know who threatened her life when we were younger," Lucifer says out of no where.

Of course he is almost anywhere and everywhere! Just my freaking luck! It also doesn't help that Anti jumps up and stands up straight. Out of everyone I would love to slap at the moment it's him!

"Wait you said you found out he threatened Y/N? Who was it," I ask as I stand up myself. I then walk up to Lucifer and stand toe to toe with him.

"One of your brothers," he says as he looks me in the eye. I look at him as if screaming at him, but I'm smart enough not to yell. He chuckles at me and then says, "It was Wilfred."


Ta-da! The chapter is finished! Also I want to see who actually reads my authors notes. So if you read them private message me, and I will give you my personal Snapchat, and I will even talk to you whenever you like! So if you want that please private message me this...

Hello I am (your name) and I read the author's note.

That is all!

Okay well I love you lovely Random Readers like a second family! I hope you have a lovely day! And I hope to see you on the next CHAPTER! BYE XD!!!!! 💚💚💚 <3<3<3

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