Chapter 31

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I can't tell you how long I sat there at the park crying on Anti's shoulder. I just didn't know that I wanted and it needed this cry. The best of it all though was Anti didn't say anything, he just let me cry.

"Why are you being so nice," I ask as I sit up. I even pulled out of his hug. Of course I look like a mess, but I didn't care at this point.

"What are you talking about," he asks while smirking. I mean come on! I know like Anti is a little nicer than Dark, but still?! They are both demons so they should both be rude!

"You know what I mean! The coming over and hugging me, and just being nice. I know this is normal for you and Dark! So what's going on?"

Anti didn't say anything, he just kept smirking at me. He was freakin me out. Normally he would say something, but he didn't say anything at all! Like come on normally he is the one who is talking like crazy! Next thing I know everything went black.

Dark's POV~

Y/N has been gone for about a hour, or at least what Mark has told me. I just got home because I was busy talking with Lucifer. However when I come home I see Mark freaking out, and his girlfriend asking him if he is okay.

"What the hell is going on exactly," I ask as I sit down. Oh before I forget Amy does know about me, but we don't really talk. It's rare for us to see each other, but oh well.

"Well Mark's friend Y/N, I think her name is; well anyways she came over. She just walked on in like she owned the place, and once she seen me she left. I didn't do anything to her did I," Amy finished. She looks really conserved for Y/N.

"No you didn't do anything. That's just how Y/N is. She's been that way since we were little. Se walks in like she owns the place, she realizes I have a guest, and then she disappears. I'm just worried," Mark looks at Amy.

"Guys look it doesn't matter how she enters Mark's house! What does matter is that she is missing! I'll call Anti and see if he has seen her," I said as I walk out of the living room into the kitchen. Luck was on my side because he picked up on the third ring.

"Hey Dark. What did ye do this time," he answers. I could just feel the smirk that was on his face. I would love to knock it off of him!

"I didn't do anything, at least yet. Not the point! Have you seen Y/N? According to Mark and Amy she was here about a hour ago, and now she's gone. We are all worried, so have you seen her," I ask in a rush. Don't make fun of me or blame me, I'm worried about her!

"No I haven't seen her. I've been with Jack all day. If ye even want proof I can put him or Signe on the phone," he says. I don't know what to believe at this point. So I almost yell at him to put them on the phone.

"Dark what's going on? Is Y/N okay? Did ye hurt her? Do I have to be on the next plane out? What the hell is going on," Jack yells through the phone. I have to pull it away from my ear, but that's besides the point.

"Jack calm the fuck down! Tell Anti to get his ass to America, and quickly. I mean quickly," I screams back. I then hang up. Next thing I know Anti is standing in front of me, and he looks almost pissed.

"What the hell was that about Dark? I have been with Jack all day! Ye better," was all he got out. No I didn't interrupt him. Oh no it was something better! Lucifer decided to drop in grab me and Anti by the arm, and then teleport us back to his head castle thing.


"Wait Lucifer what are ye talking about? What happened," Anti asks. The look Anti got would scare even the toughest demon, so basically it scared me. If we could die the both of us would be dead.

"I don't know what happened! Why don't you ask Dark," the devil says through gritted teeth. Okay so now he is really pissed, and it is definitely showing. I mean I don't even know what is happening!

"I don't even know what the hell is going on! Why would you ask someone who was with you the whole day? Then the same said person went to go see basically family! So what the hell is going on," I say as calmly as I could. I had a right to be upset. However before I could get an answer Lucifer throws a crumpled up piece of paper at me.

"Dear Lucifer,
                       Oh wait let me call you by the family relation to Y/N. So dear brother of Y/N. I have your precious little sister here with me, and you know my demands from last time. Not just that you can thank good old Dark for bring her to me. I mean who knew Mark knows who I was after. However Dark was the one who put a spot light on her. So thank him for me! Love,
Wilfred".  (I have realized I misspelled his name, so I just corrected it. Sorry everyone)

"Explain this then! How the hell did he get her? Maybe I should have played it smart like I have for so long," Lucifer said. Well he mumbled the last part, but still not the problem.

"Wait what do you mean? Play it smart like you have for so long? What the hell does that mean," I almost scream. While I'm arguing with Lucifer Anti is looking in between us, and almost looks like he wants some popcorn.

"I shouldn't have let her meet you! I should have kept her past from her! It's your fault that se was taken," was all he said before I punched him in the jaw.


Hello everyone! I am feeling so much better! Also 6days (on this) ago I hit 10k, and then like 2-4 days ago I hit 11k, and now I'm at 12k! Like that just made my day! Also I want to thank you all so much for making sure I feel better before anything!

Glad to know you are feeling better Hailey!

I'm sure everyone is glad that you are doing better!

Thanks you two! I'm so glad that you guys and the readers are here for me!

No problem!

You're welcome!

Okay well I love you lovely Random Readers like a second family! I hope you have a lovely day! And I hope to see you in the next CHAPTER! BYE XD!!!!! 💚💚💚<3<3<3

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