Chapter 14

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Okay so just so everyone knows I didn't sell my home. I still own it. However, I put up a for sale sign so Dark will think I moved. Mark is going to replace it with a sold sign here soon.

"We will be landing in Ireland in a few minutes. So please fasten your seatbelt and turn off all technology. Thank you," the flight attendant says.

In case you haven't guessed I am on a plane to Ireland. Yup, and I am going to be staying with Jack. I know another big YouTuber I know. It was Mark's and his idea. As soon as I heard it I screamed 'SEPTIPLIER AWAY!' Let's just say Mark and Jack were not amused by my joke, but I laughed my ass off!

Anyways I will be staying with Jack and Signe for about a month or two. Of course I took Belle over to Sam's house. Let's just say the last time I took her on a plane she won't shut up, and about got me and her kicked off. It was the flight from Cincinnati to La if you were wondering.

I haven't met Signe, but I have met Jack. In fact before they got together Jack and I dated. Yea I know, 'Wow you and Jack dated? What the hell?'. To answer your question we did. We dated for a year, and then we broke up. It wasn't a messy break up, and no his community didn't know so I didn't get hate. The reason we broke up was because we felt like we were more friends then a couple. So yea we are now like best friends in the whole world!

"We are landing in Ireland. I hope you had an enjoyable flight. Thank you for flying with American Airline. Please watch your step on the way out," the same voice said.

Once I was off the plane I went straight to get my luggage. I grabbed it and went to walk away when I tripped. Great! Normally I am never clumsy, yet today I seem to be as gracefully as a baby deer!

"Oh my gosh! Are ye okay," I heard an Irish voice say. No it wasn't Jack, but the guy looked a lot like him. It kind if scared me. The only differences is his hair was a darker shade of green, he has his gages in, and his eyes were two different colors.

"Yea I am okay. Thank you for asking," I replied as I went to stand up. The man stuck his hand out and help me up. I thanked him again and walked away.

I was wondering for what seemed like forever, but was really only five minutes. I felt really lost. I also kept getting stared at. The staring didn't really bother me it was the feeling of being lost. Okay, well I started to walk a little while longer when I hear a voice call out my name.


I laughed and shook my head. I could tell by the voice that it was Jack. I started to walk towards the exit as told. As I did I heard Jack and Signe.

"What if she got lost? What if she took the wrong plane? Or worst," Jack said. His back was to me, and because Signe is shorter than him she couldn't see over him. So neither of them saw me, and I was coming up with a way to scare them.

"What could be worst," Signe asked with a slight giggle. I guess she was giggling at how worried Jack was.

Okay so we didn't break up because we were like friends. It was more because he was like the over protective big brother I never had. So yup him and Mark are my big brothers, and to get to me you have to go through them. Trust me you don't want to.

"What if she was stolen? I mean it could happen ye know?!  She is just so sweet and little! I don't want anything bad to happen to her," Jack said as he grabbed Signe by the shoulders. He then gently shook her. She just giggled at him. Then I got the best idea to scare him!

I snuck up behind him. Signe saw me once I got close enough. I put a finger to my mouth to tell her to be quit. She giggled a little harder, but blinked twice so I knew she understood. I then was right behind Jack. I then tapped his shoulder. However, before he turned around I said in a deep voice, "We got Y/N, and if you ever want to see her again we want a million dollars!"

What does Jack do? He turns around and swings! Yup good old Jackaboy swung! Luckily for me I ducked right before he could hit me. I did feel the air though. Dang was he close to knocking me not only on my ass, but the hell out!

"Jack you nearly knocked my head off my shoulders," I said as I stood up. Jack blinked twice at me, and he stood there frozen. However, Signe walked around Jack and pulled me into a hug.

"It is so great to finally met you Y/N. I am so sorry it took this long," she says as she hugs me. Once she lets go Jack lightly pushes her away and picks me up into a bone crushing hug. Signe giggles at his actions. I would have too if I could breathe!

"Y/N! I missed ye! How have ye been," Jack says. With each word he squeezes a bit harder.

"Jack........ can't...........breathe," I say as I try to get air into my desperate lungs.

"Well it is what ye get for scaring me," Jack says as he puts me down. He then looks at Signe and says, "Come on. Let's go get some coffee for this one, and food."

Both, Signe and I giggle. Then all three of us walk out of the airport. After we got into the car we did exactly what Jack said we should do.


Okay here you go! Once again thank you all so much for as many reads I have gotten! Okay I love you lovely Random Readers like a second family! I hope you have a lovely day! Please like and comment I want to hear from you! I hope you have a lovely day! I hope to see you in the next CHAPTER!!!! BYE XD!!!! 💚💚💚 <3<3<3

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