Chapter 36/ Epilogue

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Y/N's POV~

Now how do you describe death? It's quite simple really, if you are a sleep than it is painless, or at least it was for me. I never thought at the age of 26 I would pass away, or at least try to. I know I am a fallen angel and all that, but it doesn't matter. The reason it doesn't matter is because no matter what would have happened it me life would have went on. If I would have lived life would just keep on a chugging. However I didn't live. The reason I didn't is because the bullet was to close to my heart, and no matter what they tried to get it out they could have killed me. It doesn't matter though because I am still on the earth, and everyone can still see me. By that I mean everyone that is close to me knows every little thing that is or did happen in my life time. So yes Sam now knows everything, and she doesn't care because in her mind I am still her best friend.

"Hey Y/N I'm home! Where are you so I can see my beautiful wife," Dark yells from downstairs. At the moment I am up in my office because I became a full time YouTuber. No they don't know what I am, but they do have a dark version of me, that isn't all that bad.

"Up in the office. Where have you been," I asked once he walked through the office door. He has found a way to get a job, and when he leaves for it he makes sure he doesn't look like Mark. He told me one day when he went for a job the teens that ran into him went nuts because they thought he was Mark. So yea, and it is basically the same for Anti.

"I was with Anti and your older brother. Needless to say if it weren't for you being his little sister, we would be fighting almost everyday. Plus we needed to talk about some things," he says as he walks in and kisses the top of my head. I just smile, and remember how just a year ago I was in the hospital bed, and I told Mark how he would get my dogs. Yet I am sitting at my desk with my husband over top of me and my two dogs under my desk.

"You know Dark I invited Mark, Amy, Anti, and Sam over for dinner tonight. Also don't forget you have to dress up nice. I am not going to have you in a bloody t-shirt like last time," I said as I looked up at him. As I looked into his eyes I felt my heart beat faster, even though I was dead for some reason it still beats. I felt my cheeks grow red, and I wrapped my arm around him and kissed him. He deepened the kiss, and I moved my lips with his. Needless to say at that very moment I fell in love with him all over again.

~Time skip to the dinner~

Everyone just showed up, and they all looked super happy. What everyone didn't know was I had an announcement, and Dark had no clue what it was. I was super excited to tell everyone the good news. I mean yea in my mind it was nothing, but in everyone else's minds it will be huge. I just can't wait until it is time for me to tell everyone!

"So Dark how was your meeting with Lucifer? Also is he coming over tonight? I know he normally doesn't pass up a chance to see Y/N," Mark asked. He has his arm around Amy, and she is looking up at him like a dog would food. They are meant for each other, and I am so thankful they found each other when they did.

"Oh the meeting went great. Also he said he will be over later. Oh and Y/N he told me to tell you that he should be here before you tell everyone the good news. So do you want to tell your wonderful husband the good news," he looks over at me when he asks. Everyone turns to me and I try to hid away. However I know I can't get away.

"Oh the good news. Oh right. Um it's um... It's that," I was interrupted by my brother. He entered the room in the most dramatic way. How you may ask? Well he entered the room in a burst of flames. Then he says, "You better not have told them without me! If you did I swear on my throne we will fight."

After Lucifer and I got close, after the whole Wilfred thing, we act like normal brother and sister. Like if I have a fight with Dark he is the first to know. Just like he was the first to know about my news. He was so happy once I told him, that he almost cried!

"No I haven't told them. I had to stall because you were taking so long! I mean come on do you really think I would tell everyone without you," I said as I got up and hit him in the shoulder. He just kind of smiled at me, and then looks down. I know what he is doing, and I'm not going to acknowledge it.

"Y/N you better tell us your news before I beat it put of you," Sam says as a joke. However Lucifer gave her the death glare. What? No he isn't this over protective. Well until now. You can't blame him though once I say it. It is big news!

"Okay well Dark it mostly involves you. Now don't freak out, and just know that everything will work out. Also know that I love you very very much! I mean you are my whole world," I was cut short. Dark looked scared beyond belief.

"Are you leaving me? What did I do wrong," he tried to continue. I stop him however by kissing him. Once I pull away I said, "No silly you are going to be a father. Also Mark and Amy are going to be an aunt and uncle. Of course so is Lucifer and Sam. Anti however I was wondering if you could be like I don't know the baby's god father?"

"Call it a demon father and I am in," he says with a joyful tone. Of course I shook my head. Everyone went nuts! I couldn't blame them though because this was big news. I jus can't wait to see what this life has in store.


THE END!!!!!!! (For real this time)

Yup that is it everyone. I hope you enjoyed the ride that you went through for this. I also hope that you guys enjoy how it ended. Okay so if you want a sequel you will have to let me know, and let me know what you would like it to be called. Besides that, this is it.

WAIT! This is how you are ending it?

Yup this is how I am ending it. Plus if they feel there needs to be a sequel, then there will be one. Besides that........

I love you lovely Random Readers like a second family. I hope you have a lovely day! I hope to see you in the next CHAPTER..... oops I meant next BOOK or where ever life takes me! BYE XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I wrote on my laptop so I don't have my green hearts, so sorry) <3<3<3


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