Chapter 32

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Dark's POV~

I punched Lucifer in the jaw. Yup, and I didn't even care. He literally just looked me in the eye saying his he never wanted me to meet Y/N. I should have played it smart after I punched him him. Why you may ask? Well I'll tell you why.

First I'm in arms reach if the guy, so he could hit me back. Second I know his aim is good with his powers, trust me I have scars to prove it. Thirdly he is more powerful than me, and it won't end well. So yea that is just a select reason of why I should have ran.

"You know what Dark. If I knew Y/N didn't like you than you would be dead where you stand. Just know I'm not killing you because I love my sister enough not to," he says as he gives me a death glare. I didn't care if he kills me or not. He pissed me off big time!

"Okay besides that, we have an angry Jack and Mark who would love to see Y/N alive. Also I'm sure you both would love the same thing, as would I. So what's the plan," Anti speaks up before I can say anything. I look at Lucifer to see him still hold his jaw.

"What the hell was Wilfred's demands that he had? I mean maybe if we know that then we could work from there," I tell them. Needless to say when I looked at good old Lucifer we didn't break eye contact.

"His demands were simple really, but ones I won't agree to. He wants to rule hell and," he mumbles the rest. Really?! This is his freaking sister, and he is going to mumble what the rest of the demands are?! I glare at him and he just sighs and then finally says, "have Y/N rule beside him."

All I can think is that it's not going to happen!


So what can I see? At least that's what most people would be asking, well that is if I was making a 911 phone call. However I'm not making a freaking call to the police! Oh and I can't see a thing! I can't even move my move my freaking arms! So I'm guessing I'm blindfolded and tied up.

"Oh poor sweet innocent Y/N. What a pickle you have gotten yourself into. To think you can be thanking Dark for all of this," a voice said. I have a hunch I know who it is, but I'm going to wait.

"Oh yea I have my sweet boyfriend to thank for tying me up? Damn buddy are you stupid or something? I mean come on Dark isn't the one that has me tied up and blindfolded. So you may want to get things in your head checked out," I snapped back. Okay maybe that was stupid, but can you blame me I'm pissed!

"I would watch what you are saying Y/N. We won't want anyone to get hurt now would we," the voice says.

I then feel the back of his hand rub my cheek. So what do I do? I turned my head to face where the hand was and bit it. Of course I knew this was stupid since the guy called me a bitch and then slapped me. I hissed in pain because to be honest his slap hurt like a bitch!

"Wow aren't you just a freaking tough guy! You tie up a girl and you slap her! Wow how about you show me who the hell you are you coward," I yelled.

Of course it awarded me another slap. However this time he takes off the blindfold, and of course it was freaking Wilfred. You have to be kidding me! Out of everyone I mean I would even love to be kidnapped by freaking Ice or Fire, but no it's freaking this guy!

"Well now that isn't very nice to think Y/N. In fact that is quite rude. I figured you would be happy to see me. I mean I'm not that bad of a guy am I," he asks with a freaking smirk! Is he really this stupid!

"Wilfred I don't like you! I never freaking liked you! I mean come on don't you think if I liked you then I would either be with you or even be your friend. Look I'm not trying to be," I was interrupted by another slap to the face. I swear if I wasn't tied up then I would have killed Wilfred.

"You know there is a reason you were hidden there good little Y/N. I guess you would like to know what that is. You see the reason is because you are a very powerful girl. I mean it's in your blood line, but you won't know that. The reason is because good old Lucifer, who thinks he is the best person every, hid you away. Now I have you though, and he would bend over backwards for you. So he is going to fall into my commands."

The whole time during his little speak he is pacing the room. I couldn't help, but scoff at him. Does he really think Lucifer is related to me? I mean come on! There's no way! I mean yea up until I was like eight I don't really have a memory, but I was told I hit my head. I mean everyone has told me that.

"Y/N you are so naïve. You think you hit your head? No Lucifer wiped your memory, at least the ones with him in it. I could bring them back to you if you want. However there is a catch," he says as his smirk grows into an evil grin. I don't know if I want to know what my life was like back when I was little. However I need to know!

"What's the catch?"


Here you lovely people go! Also may I just add you guys are amazing! Yesterday August 15 I hit 13k, and sometime today August 16 I hit 14K! LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL?! You guys are amazing!

Nice job guys!

Way to go! I never seen her smile that big!

Okay I just have to say you guys are amazingly awesome, and I mean words can't describe how happy I am! So THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
Okay well I love you lovely Random Readers like a second family! I hope you have a lovely day! And I hope to see you in the next CHAPTER! BYE XD!!!!! 💚💚💚 <3<3<3

See ya guys!

See ya later!

Oh before I forget! What do you think the catch is? Okay now bye!

Darkiplier X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora