Chapter 11

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Mark's POV~

It was about 10 at night, and I just finished recording. I looked over at Chica who was panting because of the heat, or because she was happy to see me. I am going with the first one because it is 75 degrees right now. I even have the AC on and it is still hot.

I got up from my chair and headed towards the kitchen. I was getting hungry, and because Tyler and Ethan wasn't home I had to make dinner on my own. I don't even remember where they went because they left in the middle of me recording, so I have no clue.

Well I was searching the fridge for something to eat, and nothing looked good. I looked over my shoulder to see Chica laying down behind me. She looked adorable, and I just had to get a picture! Don't judge me! I mean for all I know is you could be the butt stabber!

Well after I took the picture I went back to looking for food. I still didn't find anything good so I ordered pizza. I know Dark won't be home and since the other two aren't here I just ordered a small pizza. I doubt I'll even eat all of that.

Well I went up to my room to throw on some pants because as everyone knows I don't record with pants. Also I don't think the pizza guy would be happy if I answered with out any pants. However, before I could even get up to my room my front door swung open.

I ran to it to see who it was. I let out a sigh of relief once I realized it was just Y/N. Then I took back the sigh when I realized she was crying. It was rare to see her cry to because she is just not the type to cry. Ever since kindergarten, when we met, I think I have only seen her cry twice. This counting as the second time.

"Y/N! If I was wearing pants you would have scared them off of me," I said in an attempt of making her smile.

"Whatever Mark," she started with a hint of a smile," You know that stupid friend of yours?"

"Dark? Yea I know him. Well I mean he is the dark side of me. I don't mean the 'Luke I am your father' Darth Vader dark side either."

"Well did you know he was a fucking DEMON," she screamed the last part. Also it caused me to flinch. She normally always laughs at my stupid puns, or movie references.

"Um yes, but I just found out about him like a month ago," I tried to defend myself. Also that was a lie, I have known about Dark since the start of my YouTube channel.

"Bull shit! I know you have known about him longer! Mark I watch your channel," she said kind of harshly. However, I can't get mad at her because I did try to hide it.

"Okay okay I have known about him, but I didn't think he would tell you he was a demon so quickly."

"It's fine, but I have one more question," she sounded very pissy. I hope it isn't something that could change our friendship. I hate those kinds of questions. So I just kind of nod as if telling her to spit it out.

Right before she says anything though a smile comes across her face. She then starts to laugh. To be all honest with you I was scared. I literally think she lost her god damn mind! Then she slowly calms down. Then looks at me one more time.

"Now please don't get mad," she says as she starts to laugh again,"but is Septiplier real? Please tell me it because I so ship you and Jack!"

She then starts laughing again, and I just stare at her. Yup I am right she lost it big time! I mean she is so far go that I don't think I could ever bring her back. Even if I wanted too.

"No we are not a thing," I said with a straight face. It was right then that I realized that Y/N had a few to drink. Also she was a light weight, and I mean like five beers in and she can't walk in a straight line.

I only know this because back when I could drink I use to drink with her. However, once we found out I can't drink she said she would stop drinking since I couldn't. So to see her get drunk is a little bit of a shock. She hasn't had a drop of alcohol since I was admitted into the hospital.

"Y/N," I asked not even looking at her. To say I was upset was a little bit of an understatement. I mean I wasn't disappointed, but I wasn't happy either. I felt more mad at myself for allowing her to get herself drunk.

"Yea Markimoo? Did I do something wrong," she asked. Right then I knew she was drunk as the first time she ever drank. She is one of those that can go from being extremely pissed to extremely happy. You have to watch what you say around her.

"How much have you had to drink? Also why did you even pick up a bottle anyways," I asked a little harshly.

"I only had like..... I think fifteen? I am not sure what so ever. Pulse I am twenty one I can drink as much as I want! Wait! *giggles* I'm not twenty one. *giggles more* I'm twenty six!"

I just shook my head. I can't even look at her. I really want to yell at her, but I know that won't do any good. There has to be a reason she is drinking. She never does this just for the fun of it!

"What happened tonight," I ask her as calmly as I could.

"Well I saw the bitch of my sister! Then Dark started to be a dick, so I told him off. Then I was driving home, and was passing a liquor store so I bought some. *giggles* There was a guy in there that was cute *giggles*. He even told me that he wanted to see me again, and he gave me his number, and I gave him mine."

"Whatever. Why don't you just go to bed," I ask her. Let's just say after I said that she was out like a light. Luckily for me she passed out on the couch. However, being the gentleman I am! I took her to my room, carrying her bridle styler, and laid her down in bed. I then left the room and slept on the couch.


Here you lovely folks go! Did you expect to have a chapter in Mark's POV? Also did you expect you, the lovely reader, to go to him drunk? How do you think tomorrow with go for you and Dark? What will happen? I am not spilling anything!

Okay all joking aside let me know if you caught my two reference about Mark, and the one movie reference! If one person gets them all they get a shout out, but if three people get one of each then they get a shout out! So I can't wait to see who caught them!

Okay well I love you lovely Random Readers like a second Family! I hope you have a lovely day! I also hope to see you in the next CHAPTER!!!!! BYE XD!!!!!! 💚💚💚 <3<3<3

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