Chapter 9

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Dark's POV~

So I was rejected? I have never in my whole life been told no. To tell you the truth that right there made me want her more! I don't care how long it takes I'll wait for her!

Well anyways I am walking home with Anti at the moment. Just like when we arrived at the house, he is still on his phone. Also he is still smiling like a moron!

"Okay so who are you texting," I say just out of the blue. Maybe I was a little curious.

"Well if you must know DAD, I am texting Mae," he says in a very annoyed teen voice. It made me want to slap the shit out of him!

"Well son who is Mae?"

"She is a girl that I have been talking to, and unlike the girl that you like Mae is a demon," Anti replies in a sarcastic tone.

"Oh cool. So am I ever going to meet this Mae," I ask as I shove my hands into my pockets.

"Maybe. Look I am hungry and I know you are so let's get something to eat," he says. God damn he can be bossy sometimes!


~little time skip~

We just got to a restaurant that Anti picked, and it didn't look that great. I mean yea it looks decent, but not my cup of tea. We are going to some restaurant that he likes, and I can't remember the name.

Well anyways they just sat us at our table. So of course I go and look through the menu, and a guy that kind of looks like Y/N comes up. He had the same H/C, but different eye color. He was also more muscular than her, and not just because he was a guy.

"Hello welcome to Le Cuisine. My name is Chase how may I help you," our waiter said to us. I just look at him strangely because he looks really like Y/N.

"Yea can I take a coke please," Anti said not even thinking. I could feel Anti's and the dude's eyes on me, but I was in some sort of trance that I couldn't get myself out of.

"Sir! For you," Chase said kind of louder.

"Oh um I'll just take a water. Can I ask you something," I said kind of rushed. I didn't want him to think I was weird.

"Sure. What is it?"

"Do you have a sister?"

"Yea I do why," he replies and he also tenses a little bit. It is the kind of tenses like please shut the fuck up before I hurt you, and he was also giving me that kind of face.

"Is her name Y/N," I ask before I even think twice. Once I do Chase's face twists into the look that I didn't think was humanly possible.

"Look I do have a sister and her name is Jess, and this Y/N you are talking about us dead," he says as he storms off.

"Dark what the hell was that about," Anti says in kind of a harsh tone.

"Nothing, and have you heard of a Jess L/N?"

"Yea she works at the hotel down the street. Why?"

"No reason, um I'll be back," I tell Anti as I stand up to leave. He just gives me a weird look and then nods. Finally he goes back to his phone, and smiling like an idiot.

I run down the street to get to this hotel, and might I add this hotel is like 5 star. Once I walk in I get a lot of weird looks, and I just shrug them off because I don't care. Well I walk up to the front desk, and the desk person gives me a weird look.

"Um sir, how may I help you," the snobby person asks.

"Yea I'm looking for a Jess L/N. Do you know where I can find her," I asked with a little bit of attitude. Don't get mad at me this person was being a bitch!

"Sir can you not read? My name tag says Jess. Now how may I help you," she replied in a hint of anger.

"Oh sorry bitch, but your hair was in the way! Okay well do you know a Y/N L/N," I said with an aggravated tone. I really stopped caring if this was Y/N's step sister or sister. The girl is a snobby little brat!

"Look sir, I may know that little whore, but that is none of your concern! Plus I only have a brother, and sadly he is blood to her. Luckily I am married in! Now unless you are going to pay for a night to stay, which I doubt you can, you can leave!"

I just looked at her. I knew if I opened my mouth for the way she spoke about Y/N then I would hurt her. Then I got an idea. I'm not as broke as I look so what do I do? I pulled out $800 in cash and slammed it down on the desk. Jess's eyes went as wide as they could.

"Are y-you going t-to b-be staying h-here," she stutters. She then looks up at me, and she gives me an apologetic look.

"Yea I am, and so is Y/N! Also I want you as my room service," I said in a harsh tone.

"I only work desk! So no you will have a normal room service person," she said rather rashly.

"Fine I want to talk to the manager. If you don't want to..."

"Fine! I'll do it. I don't need fired," she said and she put my cash were it was needed and gave me back my change.

I then give her a sly smile and go to call Y/N. I know she needs a break from the world, and I have a feeling that if I get her sister serving her. Gosh I just want to see her face light up. She picked up on the third ring.

"Hello this is Y/N speaking."

"Hey! Do you want to stay at this extremely expensive hotel with me tonight," I ask. I knew if I didn't come out with it then I won't ask.

"I don't know. Why," she asked. She sounded really unsure.

"Look I already paid, and it is the hotel your sister works at. I got her to be room service. I'll pay for everything, and you don't have to see this as a date. Please I know you don't like your sister," I said pleading with her.



Sorry this took so long to get out. I have been very busy, and some family issues have came up. You know I thought family was suppose to be there for each other, but I guess not. I am so glad to have you guys as my second family! Thank you guys so much for reading this chapter!! I love you lovely Random Readers! I hope you have a lovely day! And I hope to see you in the next CHAPTER!!!! BYE XD!!!! 💚💚💚<3<3<3

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