PanDara Outtake

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He could hear a female and a male voice giggling as he went inside the condo unit. His brows furrowed. They weren't expecting visitors. He hurriedly took off his shoes and went inside as he heard Dara's indignant shriek which was followed by her laughing request to be put down. "Yah! Let me down."

He sprinted towards the voices only to see Dara hoisted onto Seungri's shoulder. "Hi, Hyung!"

He rolled his eyes at the bickering two. It was just Seungri. He pivoted on his heel and walked towards their bedroom to change into more comfortable clothes.

"Kwon Jiyong! Where the heck are you going? Tell him to put me down!" Dara yelped at him.

"I'll be back, babe." He nonchalantly answered. The two always brought out the inner irrational kid in each other. The last time he got in the way of Panda and Dara's antics he deeply regretted it. He refereed the bickering pair at first but the whole thing ended up with them both ganging up on him.

He changed his clothes to more comfortable sweats. "Kwon Jiyong! Get back here right this instant or I swear you're not stepping inside the bedroom for a week!" He hurried up. He knew better than to wake her inner dragon.

"Yes, dear?" He asked as he went back towards the two oversized kids.

"Tell your stupid maknae that being able to lift me doesn't change the fact that a lot of his muscles have turned to jell-o." She punctuated her sentence with a few pokes at the Panda's admittedly slightly jiggly belly.

"Panda-bear, put her down. Don't anger her or she'll tell CL not to bother showing up on your NHR dinner tomorrow night." He told Seungri in a neutral tone.

Dara threw a sharp jab on the maknae's still flat but now soft tummy after the guy eventually let her down. "You're going to regret that Lee Seunghyun!!! I didn't know you've got your eye on my TamTam's momma. I've now got an ace up my sleeve and I'm going to use it to my advantage."

"TamTam's momma?" A confused Seungri asked.

"Uhuh!" Dara smirked at him. "The girl you know as CL a.k.a. TamTam's momma a.k.a. my BFF. You messed with the wrong girl, Panda!"

"Hyung! You didn't tell me my love is Noona's bestfriend! Why???!!!??? What happened to the bro code, Hyung?" Panda whined at his leader then without waiting for his response turned his cutest face towards Dara.

"Noona..." He batted his lashes and wiggled his eyebrows at Dara. "You know I've always been loyal to you, right? Even during those times when that guy wasn't," he pointed his thumb at Jiyong, "I've always only been loyal to you."

That earned him a kick in the shin from his leader. "Yah! You watch your mouth, kid. We might be on hiatus as a group but I'm still your leader." His maknae ignored him.

"I've always thought you were the best Noona in the world. I know you only wanted me to take care of myself more when you told me I've grown fat. You were just looking out for me." He pulled out his best aegyo moves and batted his lashes at Dara.

"That's what I love about you. You always want what's best for me. And I want you to know that I only want the best for you. You can always trust me to keep an eye on that guy there and keep him in line." A throw pillow bumped off his head as he said those words. "Ow! Noona, that guy is bullying me again."

Dara cooed at him and patted him on the head. After which she narrowed her eyes at Jiyong. "Stop hurting, my Panda-bear!"

"What? That was a pillow for crying out loud! He's got the hardest head in the world. A hundred ton pillow wouldn't even put a dent on his skull!" He rolled his eyes at the two and raised his hands in mock surrender.

She gave Seungri a sisterly hug. The irritating maknae stuck his tongue out at him. He was about to launch another pillow at the guy but Dara caught him on the act. "Be nice, Ji."

He dropped the pillow and sighed in surrender. "I'll just go and fix us dinner." The two didn't even spare him a glance. The previously bickering pair were now both back to giggling with each other as they both huddled over Dara's phone as they scrolled through CL's IG posts.

(This chap is written because I've been seeing a lot of negativity from other ships esp Nyongtory these days. *Sigh* How I wish the different ships would stop throwing hate against each other and let each other be.)

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