Chapter 19

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When he was younger he did all the flashy romantic stuff with Dara - secret dates in amusement parks, balloons flying out of car trunks, staged private concerts. He obsessed about these things, trying to make secret but drama-worthy events to surprise her. When he had exhausted his romantic repertoire on her he had thought that his love had died along with it as well.

Dara had then become his favorite sweater to lounge in on any given day but Kiko was the avant-garde coat that he thought would be perfect to wear on a romantic adventure. He didn't realize he had just been naively swayed by romance thinking that it was equivalent to love.

As he grew older he realized that it's not in the grand gestures that you find meaning in your relationship but it is in the quiet moments that you have with the one you love. It's in the mad scramble for that last bite of sweet dessert and the chocolate flavoured kiss that follows after. It's in the cool caress of a soothing hand on a febrile forehead. It's in the slight brush of a hand before her fingers get entangled with his. It's in the cold chill of a rainy day spent underneath a shared damp jacket with only the warmth of their bodies to save them from freezing. It's in the silent conversations happening within a shared glance. It's in the secret smile exchanged over a private joke no one else understands.  

Because when the reality of all that he had lost had finally set in, it wasn't the grand gestures that he missed but these ordinary day to day moments. He found too late that what mattered most were the things that he took for granted in exchange for the short thrill of a forbidden glance and a sultry smile.

After having lost her, he realized that all he ever needed was to just be with her. So when Dara agreed on those two hours, he told himself he would make sure that he won't waste time on epic productions and romantic schemes but he'd try to simply just be there in the moment with her.

He soaked up her nervous energy as she was preparing for the pilot episode. During the two days immediately preceding it, he spent his two hours with her helping her prepare for the show. They watched video footages of WINNER, their behind the scene clips and the actual shows they had been before. All these occurred beneath the radar of the press within the soundproof walls of YG's studio in between breaks from his recording.

YG Sajangnim didn't make his presence known despite his talent's daily two hours of truancy. He knew everything that occurs in his building but it appears he had given them his silent approval. It was a little bit out of character for him but Jiyong didn't dwell on it because all he cares about now are these little snippets of her that he's storing up for forever.

Saturday came and they had to forego their two hours because she had to get ready for the show. Dara was once again a nervous wreck but his encouragement over the phone calmed her. He had put him on speakerphone as she was preparing herself. She was surprised to find how in such a short time he had once again gained that big a traction on her.

It worried her because they had only just spent a total of six hours and she was already starting to feel his effect on her. She brushed her fingers over the almost imperceptible scar on her stomach to remind herself about their past. She needed to keep her feet grounded and remember that what they are having now is just a setup and a very temporary one at that. But she had to shrug the negative feeling for the moment and stored it because as always the show must go on.

She saw another side of WINNER that day, the oversized kids she had fun with the other day was still there but their was a more serious grain to their actions while they were on the show. She realized that these boys no matter how boisterous they may seem still took their craft seriously. To her amazement they were able to perform live so well, not just in their singing but also in their imitations as well. The show went on without a hitch. They started strong with a live performance of Really, Really and ended with a soft, nice touch with FOOL sung live a Capella.

Dara was on a high when she started her segment late into the night but as she wrapped up her program the adrenalin rush had faded and she could barely keep her eyes open. She decided to get some shut eye first before going home and told the other staff not to wait up for her. She set her alarm to ring after an hour and curled up on the sofa in the staff lounge.

As the segment's closing song played its last note Jiyong got himself out of the car and walked up to KBC FM to get Dara so he can drive her home. He knew she'd be tired. The night guard remembered him and waved him in.

He went into the station and found that it wasn't only him who had the same intentions. Someone was also waiting in his office for her to finish. Jiyong came in just as Donghae rushed out of the studio after finding that Dara wasn't there. The two men stopped in their tracks. They knew instinctively who the other person was despite not having met each other before.

Jiyong was thinking, 'So this is the guy she keeps mentioning about?' The guy he'd been worried of because he's getting a little close to his girl. The boss that she addresses on a first name basis.

Jiyong's possessive instincts were awakened. His back straightened, shoulders thrown back, feet set slightly apart, eyes glaring head on -- without really being conscious of it he had assumed G-Dragon's fighting stance. He wasn't just the laid-back Jiyong who just came in the door anymore. He was G-Dragon and he was staking his claim.

Donghae was not to be threatened either. 'So this is the guy who fxxking hurt her. The guy who placed that dark sadness and unfathomable pain in her eyes. I'd be damned if he hurts her again. I may have gotten myself out of the race but I'm not going to turn and walk away. If the bastard tries to hurt her again I'll break every little piece of bone in his body. If he leaves her again then I'd make sure that I'd be there to help her pick up the pieces and I'm not giving her up to him again.'

He took a more relaxed stance though. Back straight but not ramrod stiff, hands in the pocket, a speculative glance directed straight into the glaring eyes of the man before him. The challenge had been thrown, he is not fighting him now but he's not cowering in fear either.

"She's not in the studio. I think she's in the lounge." He pointed with his head towards the room. GD didn't go straight way to the room but stopped for a moment to look questioningly at the other man wondering why he was not putting up a fight.

Donghae must have understood the reason for Jiyong's hesitation because he then said,  "I don't think she's over you yet. But watch your step, G-Dragon, because the moment you make a wrong move I'll be here waiting. Hurt her again and you'll regret it because the next time you leave her again I'm going to make sure you won't have another chance with her in this lifetime."

"Well, I'm not sure I won't hurt her again because I'm not fxxking perfect but you can be damned sure I won't be leaving her again ever." Jiyong countered. He would have wanted to say, 'Back off! She's mine!' but he stopped himself from going overboard.
Their stare off lasted for a few more moments, both men sizing up their opponent, but it was interrupted by the sound of her alarm. "I'll just be in my office." Donghae said and walked away.

She was stretching her arms when he came in. "You're here." She groggily said.
"You can't be thinking I'm just writing off your two hours? I'm not that generous." He joked at her.

"Whatever, Kwon." She was too tired to fight. She gave another yawn. Upon seeing that, Jiyong grabbed her stuff and pulled her up. 

"Come on I'm driving you home while you're still conscious enough to walk. I have no plans of breaking my back carrying you." He lied, of course. He'd subject himself to all kinds of torture for her but he had no plans to tell her that this soon and scare her away again.

She wearily followed him out. As soon as her back hit the car seat she dropped off to a peaceful doze, oblivious of the brief but revealing encounter that just occurred between the two men in her life. Completely unaware that they have now placed both their cards on the table and that whoever holds the winning set in their game of hearts is not up to them but is ultimately up for her to decide.

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