Chapter 18

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During the following days, Sandara’s stress levels were on an all time high. Their pilot show was set to air the next Saturday and time was running out. The same could be said with Sandara’s resolve. She was so tempted to quit but she had come to like being a DJ and she knew Donghae would not accept her quitting just on account of her nerves. 

Kwanghee, her co-host was of no help either. Where Sandara was a jumble of nerves, he was a jumble of excitement. He couldn’t wait for Saturday to come. He was talking non stop about it like a kid who couldn’t wait for Christmas to come. He could be seen preening around on every glass surface that reflected his surgically enhanced face. Thanking the fates for giving him a mother who had the foresight to bring him to a plastic surgeon when he was younger. He was so psyched at the thought that the time has come for his face to be showcased to the world. 

Instead of being infected with his buoyant and highly confident energy, Sandara only felt worse. Unexpectedly, help came from the least expected quarter. She was cursing imaginary Jiyong to no end inside her head after he demanded that Wednesday would be the first day of his one month with her. He instructed her to wait at 1pm in the afternoon at her apartment. Soonho would pick her up and take her to him.

It was almost 1pm and she was fuming at the stupid, inconsiderate lizard. He was quite aware that her nerves were already shot because of the upcoming show and now he’s expecting her to spend two hours with him. Well if that is what he wants, then two hours is what he’s going to get...two hours of hell, that is.

Soonho was pulling into a very familiar building. It was the YG building. ‘What the heck are we doing here?’ she wondered as she followed Soonho out of the van and into the elevator. They got off the 3rd floor and went straight to one of the studios. Jiyong was busy writing something when they got in. He motioned for her to sit down and spent the next quarter of an hour ignoring her. Her brows furrowed at his back. 

‘He brought me here so I could stare at his back?’ She crossed her arms on top of her chest and continued to scowl at him.

But all her prior vindictiveness turned to shame when a few minutes later Jiyong looked up at the sound of knocking on the door. He closed the notepad he was writing on and stowed the thing inside his backpack.

“They’re here.” He simply said before getting up to let whoever was knocking in.

Four laughing boys came in as Jiyong opened the door. They toned down their boisterous energy a notch and greeted their senior with a bow as they entered. “Hyung, sorry we’re a little late. Recording went longer than expected.” Seungyoon apologized.

“It’s okay. I’m the one who’s asking you a favor. I know how busy you guys are now. I’d just want you to meet someone.” He gestured to the quiet girl sitting on the sofa. She was so quiet the newcomers didn’t notice she was there as they came in. 

“This is Dara. If you still listen to the radio, you’ve probably heard of her. She goes by Sandara on air. She’s doing the radio show with you on Saturday but she’s a little nervous. So I thought maybe you could meet her informally before she expires from anxiety. Maybe help her shake off those nerves.”

“Dara meet WINNER.” Dara looked down at herself and was horrified at her get-up. She looked every inch like an ahjumma. She was not expecting this. He could have said something. She didn’t see the need to dress up for Jiyong. She could have at least worn something a little more polished than her loose hoodie and sweats. She didn’t even put any make up on.

“Wait, Hyung, you just said Sandara?” Seungyoon asked Jiyong. “You’re Switchboard Confessional’s Sandara?” He turned to Dara without waiting for Jiyong’s answer.

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