Chapter 27

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Dara was calmly sipping her iced milk tea as Jiyong was ambushed by the guys. She wasn’t worried but she still trained her ear towards the group quite curious how Jiyong would respond to the guys. They were all full of bluff and bluster but they’re really pretty much harmless.

From her vantage point on the side she could see Jiyong’s forehead start to glisten with a thin sheen of sweat. She smiled amused at the shift from his seemingly unfazed confidence as they walked in earlier and his current discomfiture as he was being walled in by the guys. 

“You planning to rescue your boyfriend from the gang anytime soon?” asked Kyung Jin who was also sipping her own milk tea beside her.

“Not yet, Unnie. I want to see how Jiyong holds his own against the guys. Between the two of us it’s usually me who gets flustered. It’s a little fun to see his feathers ruffled for a change. Reminds me more of Jiyong before GD.” She turned smiling at the older woman.

“You knew him before?” Kyung Jin asked. She nodded in answer then turned her attention back to the guys.

The guys wore their mean faces in front of Jiyong. Dara snickered at their attempt at playing gangster knowing so well how all of them, except for Kwanghee who’s still single, could be so meek and spineless when their wives are around. They always enjoy terrorizing her “fanboys” because it's their only chance to let their inner “warriors” out.

She waited to see who would make the first move. They’ve been having the staredown for quite some time already. The shine in Jiyong’s forehead was now starting to condense into little beads of sweat.

She was about to swallow a mouthful of milk tea when she heard Jiyong stutter, “I...I love Dara.” The milk tea went the wrong way and she choked. The beige coloured liquid spread a light stain on the front of her shirt after she snorted some out of her nose.

“Aish!” She exclaimed.

Kyung Jin helped her mop up the spilled liquid on the side table. The older woman looked at her, surveyed the damage on her clothes and pulled her in the direction of the restroom. “Let’s clean you up. The stain might come off entirely if you wash it off now.”

Kyung Jin had a spare shirt and gave it to Dara to wear as they scrubbed the stain out with some soap and water. The stain thankfully came off but her shirt was wet so they used the hand dryer to dry it.

“So you said you both knew each other before...” Kyung Jim prompted at Dara, a questioning look in her eyes.

Dara smiled shyly at her Unnie. “He’s the one I talked to you about Unnie.”

Kyung Jin couldn’t get the surprise and worry off her face. “Your first and only boyfriend who you broke up with when you both didn’t know you were pregnant?” Dara nodded at her Unnie with downcast eyes.

“Look at me, Dara. Are you sure about this? About the both of you? Don’t get me wrong I’m a sucker for second chances. The fact that I married my ex is proof of that but Dara getting back with an old flame is not a walk in the park.” Kyung Jin told Dara worriedly.

“You haven’t seen anything yet. You’re still in the honeymoon phase now but after the initial glow fades, prepare for reality to hit you right in the face. It’s going to hurt but if you survive it then maybe you’re both meant to be. Enjoy this happy phase while it lasts. You’ll need the happy moments to tide you over when you get to the dark side of the moon.”

Dara nodded at her Unnie. Kyung Jin gave her a brief hug. “Don’t forget I’m just here anytime if you need a friend.”

“Thank you, Unnie.” Dara gave her older co-worker a hug of her own.

“Now go change back to your shirt. We’ve left your Jiyong alone amongst the wolves for a while already. Let’s go check who among them needs saving -- the guys or Jiyong.” She pushed Dara gently towards one of the toliet stalls. 

She called out after Dara as she turned the latch on the door, “And hurry up. Minzy’s bringing in her grandmother’s cookies. Those guys won’t think of leaving any for us.”

The One Who Got AwayOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora