Chapter 26 - Joining The Wrong Side

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Erens POV

"I know you don't trust me, to be quite frank I understand why you hate me but I think you can get past it to save your best friend right?"

Zeke asks from a far, I continue kneeling down watching the steam flow from my body. What do I do?  This has got to be a trap right? But if it was....why wouldn't he just try and kill me again?

"This is a trap, no ones gonna just leave alive....that's not how it showed me that before."

"That was in the past, I'm a changed man Eren. I'm willing to own up to my sins, can you?"

I remain silent and can't think of anything to say back,  I'll admit it....I've been running away from their faces....Bertholdt, Eld, Gunther, Oluo....I see them all the time.

"You see, me and you aren't so different now are we?"

"No! I'm nothing like you!"

"Hehe sure, how long you gonna keep telling yourself that?"

"However long I have left on this world, your a monster."

"We're all monsters kid, each and everyone of us. We've all done the worst kinds of things just to stay alive. How far would you go to save Armin?"

I look at Zeke pissed and begin to walk towards him but I'm stopped by Pieck holding her bow staff out forcing me to halt.

"Watch it kid, you need to cool your jets and listen before making a course of action."

I comply and stand still listening to what Zeke had to finish off with.

"I need to gather as many of the nine titans as I can to complete my master plan of taking over the corrupted government. You are probably the second biggest piece to this whole operation. With you and everyone else that's part of the nine, I can rain as king of this world. So what do you say Eren, join me and save your friend or be the one who kills him yourself because if your on the opposing'll have to be the one to do it."

I would have never thought I'd be put under these circumstances before....never....there's no other choice. I know what I have to do...

"Alright, I'll be a pawn in your little game."

He nods his head with a bright grin of delight, he begins to walk towards me and holds out his hand.

"I'm glad we can get past our differences to see the bigger picture, but just so you know if you pull anything and I mean anything at all...I'll kill you."

I ignore the hand gesture and go and grab my weapons, before I can leave the area Zeke tells me when to come back here to be picked up.

"Before you head off I want to let you know that you can't tell Armin about your guys past. His curiosity of his past will be answered but that's not till later. I'll give you a day to get all you need together. He here by sundown."

I nod my head then turn around and leave the museum with blood still dripping off from my entire body. I make it to my bike and that's when I fall to my knees and begin to pant heavily, but that panting....turn into tears. Why do I have to keep leaving the people I care about? Why do I keep letting the people that care about me down?

I get up from the ground and throw all my gear into the book bag then drive off back to the dojo. When I make it there I immediately fall off my bike and lay on the ground still feeling the pain course the my body. Before I know it I hear the door open and then I feel my body being lifted from the ground then into the wooden floor of the dojo. I lay flat on my back as I feel my shirt being torn up, I'm half conscious but I hear two girls talking and a man. I'm assuming it's Emma Mikasa and Juzo. I begin to feel my half opened eyes drift completely to sleep.

Going Rogue (erenxmikasa) Book 2 of A New Beginning Where stories live. Discover now