Chapter 20 - Chosen

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(1 hour after Eren and Mikasa had sex)
Erens POV

I sit on the edge of my bed and look out the window, it's dark...but the moonlight shines brightly on the girl that laid on the bed covered in the blanket looking as adorable as ever. It seems so peaceful but it all goes away when I hear the laughs....the damned laugh is still in my head. Every time I try to sleep he keeps talking and talking and TALKING! I shoot up from the bed and continue listening to what he's saying.

"Hehehe you got her back sport, but how long can you save her? With the current form your in it seems as though you can protect her but can you shield her from it all? Or will she end up like all the other ones who tried to help?"

I run out of the room and go straight outside and just run. I run until I don't know where I am, when I look around I see nothing but trees. I go to the biggest one and sit up against it continuing to let the voices flood my mind.

"You're doomed boy, you can contain me but I will have my way with you.....after all....I did choose you."

"I don't know what you're talking about but....just let me rest....please."

That's when i slowly can't hear him anymore, when it all becomes silent my eyes droop until they fall shut. This was the first time I have actually slept in the past two days, it felt so nice.

When I finally awake I see that it's broad daylight, damn how long have I been out? I get from the ground and try retracing my steps to the dojo, and yet again he tries to talk to me.

"Hey, were partners now. You could be a bit more nice and lenient towards me."

"You are not my partner, I don't know anything about you nor like you. You tried to kill me because I wouldn't let you have control then you attack my friends when you did. You are a monster that I need to keep in check. For now I'm gonna master your healing factor and try being able to use that without letting you in."

"Whatever you say partner."

I just sigh and finally make it to the dojo, when I make it to the porch I see the blood splatter all over the floor, I could do it then...I don't know how but I could. I just got to do it again, I walk over the blood stained floors and make it inside. I see Mikasa and Juzo talking and once I walk into the room they both get quiet and stare at me. Mikasa's kinda looking the other way and blushing, Juzo's just got a stern look.

"Sorry I left I's a long story."

"I-its fine, Juzo wanted to speak with you ."

Mikasa replies back then walks towards her bedroom, that just leaves me and Juzo. He motions me to the little table in the dining area of the place, I sit down and he makes us both tea. When he sits down he pulls out a worn out scroll and places it on the table.

"Eren, I've been doing some research on your whole devil problem and I've found something."

He unrolls the scroll and it shows 9 men and women kneeling before a god. I'm heavily confused but Juzo sure as hell clears it up.

"The nine're one of them."


"There are nine titans of Ymir, the God that stands in the picture and her nine disciples. They all have immense power, and each of them has a characteristic about them that makes them different from the other. You have your healing ability, I don't know who the other 8 are but I'm sure they're out there. The one that you have is the attack titan his name is.....Lucifer and he's the titan with the most uncontrollable actions. It states that he chooses his user based on the amount of anger and hate that he has. Now I want you to take this scroll and try figuring out who the other 8 are, I actually have a vivid idea on who one of them might be."

I look at all the names listed and the descriptions of each of them, that's when I actually realize who Juzo is talking about.

"Yeah....I know.....Zeke right?"

"Yes, if he's one of them you might have a bigger problem then expected."

I look towards the floor and begin to think about Armin, if he's in his clutches then there must be a reason behind it right? Is Armin one of the nine? I get taken out of thought again when Juzo tells me who another one might be.

"There's also one more that you know."

"Yeah? Who's that?"

"Miss Emma."

Emma might be one now that I think about it too, I'll think about all the options later though for now I have two big problems on my hand.

"Juzo why is my titan so different from the other ones? If all of them have control over it, why can't I control mine?"

"From what I could understand from the scroll he's a hard headed one, like you. Your determination is hard for him to run around, normally anyone else would have given in but you are certainly different. If you can harness the healing factor though without letting him have control you might be able to be the strongest one out of all the nine."

I get up and stand up and pace around and reply back to him.

"Yeah I'll figure something out but I need to find my friend...Armins alive and i think Zeke wants him because he might be one of the nine....I need to find him."

"You might want to bring Emma along for this one."

"No I'll go alone, I think it's better that way."

He gives me a pissed look but complies with my decision.

"Just don't get yourself killed Eren."

"Don't worry, I wasn't planning on it."

Authors Note:
Hey I'm sorry guys I know y'all are probably pissed for the super late update and I really want to tell you it was because of school....... but it was actually because I've been doing the destiny 2 grind 😂😂😂 I got the game Wednesday and I've only had a little time to play it so the past 2 days I've been staying up till 2 AM after work to play it😂😂 sorry again guys it won't be this long till I update again I PROMISE!

Going Rogue (erenxmikasa) Book 2 of A New Beginning Where stories live. Discover now