Chapter 12 - May I Have This Dance?

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(10 minutes before Emma meet Jean)
Erens POV

Me and Levi talk about finding Zeke but I understand he doesn't want to be apart of this anymore.
"Eren, is it really worth this much?"
"I...I want to say yes but at this point I feel like I've hurt more people than intended. All I can do now is fight and kill him to atone for the sins that I did."
"What sins are you exactly owning up to?"
"Armin....Marco....Bertolt....everyone that died. All of them rest on my shoulders and it's my fault they ended up that way. I can never forgive myself for that, I just can't."
"You did what you had to, they understood the risk and they followed you. I want you to know I would help you put a stop to all this, but I can't risk dying and leaving everyone behind."
"I know, that's why I wouldn't ask you to do this with me, your fights over. Mines has just begun."
He gives me a half assed grin then sips some of his wine while continuing our conversation.
"You've changed a lot from the boy who had trouble with algebra."
"Yeah... I guess so."
I say looking at all the people around me, I noticed Emma was talking to Jean and Mikasa. I really hope she's not starting something, lord knows she's a hot head. But Levi takes me out of my staring illusion.
"But you're still the same guy deep down, hell you've even found yourself a new girl."
"No let's just say she's my partner, honestly she's just about as hot headed as I used to be. But the more as days go on I've seen myself become more like you in a way and it makes me feel like I'm at least doing something right."
I say with a slight smile, he starts to chuckle and just smiles widely at me. That's the first time I've ever seen him that happy.
"Hehe kid hearing that made my day, granted I feel like you've become a bit more emotionless then me but I'm still proud that you feel that way."
I just continue having a straight face and drinking my water while blankly looking at the ball room.
"I think I understand why you're so happy, you've finally found that person who completes you. Before you didn't know it but now you two have found each other in this hell. I thought I found that person but I think I drove her past the brink of fixing. I kept pushing her away and I still do just so she stays happy but...I just want to be happy to."
I state having a small tear in my eye, Levi pats my back and looks the other way.
"Kid, you really need to come back. I think if you throw this whole operation thing away, things will finally become smoother for you.
I see Emma and Annie come our way and Emma looks pissed.
"There something I missed?"
"Nope, not a damn thing. Wanna dance?"
I look at the dance floor and once the music changed to a slow song no one was dancing. I look back at Emma and she seems really invested in dancing for some odd reason.
"I have to?"
"Yup, and for Christ sake button up your shirt Eren. This is a classy place, we get you like showing off but here's not the place."
I look down at my shirt and the three buttons are undone, I just button the 3rd one and make my way to the floor with Emma. The music changed and it's not exactly what I'm used to. (Insert Song: this isn't my certain music but I thought it flowed well with the scenery)
She pulls me in close and that's when I take the lead, the dancing we did wasn't technically a slow dance. It was a bit more....exotic...she would continue rubbing up on me and I kinda gave in. She held her leg up and wrapped it around me slightly as I held her back. Literally again everyone was staring at the twin masked duo and it was drawing a lot of attention. When the song is about to end I pull her close, and she decides that she wants to get closer. She leans in some more and I begin to lean forward to until i see Mikasa staring from across the room. That was the wake up call I needed to get my head out of the gutters. I can't do this...I just can't, I get near her lips and whisper.
"Think your slick don't ya."
She pulls back and grins while bitting her bottom lip, she lets go of me and laughs.
"Who would have thought that I would want you Mr.Jaeger, alright fair game."
I escort her from the dance floor then talk to her in private.
"You think Zeke saw?"
"Definitely but where he is we have no clue."
I continue looking around until I see a man and a women standing by the piano, the women had the same physic as that lady I fought. If she's one of the commanders then it wouldn't be to far fetched to assume he had his subordinates come as well.
"Emma, go to Levi and wait for my signal."
I don't give her much information but she does as I say, I then walk over to the completely white piano and stand next to the lady dressed in all white. The man in black ignores me and continues drinking whatever he had. When I stand next to the lady the covered part of my mask is facing her. She's wearing a peacock mask and is ignoring my presence too, that's until I make it apparent that I'm here.
"Coming here isn't the best idea...wouldn't you say?"
She looks my way confused but bluntly answers the question.
"Well if you're gonna come at me harshly, I could ask you the same thing right?"
"I almost killed you with little to no effort, I can do it again."
I say taking a swig of my drink, that intrigued the man sitting on the stool. He gets off his chair but is told to sit back down by the lady.
"If I wanted to fight back I wouldn't have been on the defensive for that long. You're here for Zeke right? Well.... me and my friend here can't let you do that. So if you would so kindly leave the area that would be nice."
I look at her partner and he seems fidgety, I then walk away from the piano and back towards Emma. I then crack my index finger and that's the queue to start it up.

Going Rogue (erenxmikasa) Book 2 of A New Beginning Where stories live. Discover now