Chapter 14 - Eren Meets The Devil

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Erens POV

When everything goes black Im in a chair in a dark room, it's very hazy and warm. I hear a radio playing beside me (insert music). The music lowers and the lights flicker on and off, then one light turns on completely and a man stands before me. His face is covered with his hands but I can see horns from his head, I'm not scared surprisingly just very confused. When he removes his hands all I see are his golden eyes and his crimson red face. He's steadily smiling at me with his ragged teeth, I get from the chair and stand before him.
"Stand down youngling, you're standing before god himself."
"From the stories I've been told god doesn't look like a demon. I'm guessing you're the devil, whatever this dream is I don't care about it. I just need to wake up and see what's going on in the real world."
That's when he starts laughing even more then before,  he stares at me and begins to explain what's going on.
"Eren my boy, this is the real world. You're a very special child that I've taken a liking to, I've always been watching you. What you're going through right now is not a dream but a change in mind. You've let me take control of your actions before, don't you remember?"
I start to think back and then it hits me, the devil sees my eyes widen and smirks at me remembering.
"Yeah I do, the first time being when I bit that guys throat out. I remember all my thoughts went blank and I just did it. Then when I had Zeke on the floor bloodied to a pulp, I remember I lost control out of no where and started fighting Levi."
Now that I think about it there's been many times where this has happened but in small bursts. The devil continues laughing then I take him out of his bursts of joy.
"Hey! Why are you doing this?"
"Well Mr.Jaeger it's not me giving in to this, it's you."
I ask confused, it's my fault he's doing this? He continues explaining more on to what's happening with me.
"The anger....the hate. I thrive off of it kid, you've got more of that then most people. When the anger gets to your head or when you seem to be in any sort of predicament you secretly give me full control, like now."
"So why am I learning about this now?"
"Cause I've finally made my presence known, for now you've got to watch."
He then points to a small TV that's siting on the table in front of the chair. I look into it and I see from myself dashing and slicing and darting around doing flips uncontrollably. I see the look in my eyes and it's bright golden, damnit he's right, He's got full control of me.
"You've got to stop, right now."
"I don't think so pal, you gave me the power. I'm just doing as I please."
There's nothing I can do but watch and all I see is me being a complete animal, better yet a demon. It's terrifying seeing myself like this, and there's nothing I can do.

Emma's POV

I see Erens eyes change colors and it's something horrifying, the green in his eyes looked like it was getting consumed with bright gold. He then darts straight for Zeke, I scream out to him but he ignores it and slices away at the girl who interfered with his dash. Then the scythe boy steps in and starts double teaming Eren, I stand there horrified at the sight of Eren stepping up to both of them without any problems. He's just twirling in the air and slashing at both of their weapons, that's not the Eren I know. He's fighting like a monster and it's creepy, he gets thrown to the side and that's when we all get a better look at him. His head is twitching and he's shaking with anticipation, he starts laughing maniacally and starts bending back like he's possessed or's fucking terrifying. Everyone's freaked out except for Zeke he's interested in Eren.
"What the hell happened to this kid? He's really living up to his name isn't he Pieck?"
He asks Pieck, I notice her looking disgusted at what Eren was doing. I honestly don't blame her I've never seen this out of him before.
"I don't think this is the same person as a few minutes ago, his eyes have changed."
"Whatever just kill them both already, Aries you got Eren. Pieck go for the girl."
Before we could all move Eren begins to unzip his mask and his tongue is licking all around the mask while laughing.....again it's fucking creepy. He dashes straight at this Aries guy and jabs multiple times at him, Pieck makes a break for me. I slash my daggers on her bow staff and twirl around the floor while trying to aim for her legs. She keeps blocking each of the attacks and countering me, her defense is so damn hard to counter. I roll back and duck under the swipe to the head and jump above the leg sweep. I'm not able to land any hits, she's hit a few on me though. I look over to Eren and he's got the guy completely overwhelmed, he's getting cuts all across the guy. Pieck pushes me far back and tries to hit Eren from the side, but he block the staff with his sword. But Aries slashes his scythe from the other side as well, but Eren blocks it with his arm. You can see the blood dripping from his arm, but it doesn't even seem like he's fazed. He just starts to smile and laugh, they both pull away and Eren jumps in the air to hit Aries but he ducks under Erens slash and cuts a giant gashing wound into his side. He falls to the floor and blood pours out, my eyes widen and I begin to scream at the top of my lunges as I run to try and defend him. Before I can even get to him, I see Eren get from the floor and stand straight up with laughing. The bleeding stops and the wound looks like it's not even there anymore, what the hell is going on? Eren comes from behind me and kicks me across the room and continues slashing the two opponents in front of him. I get up from the floor mortified that he fucking kicked me across the damn room, I run up behind them getting ready to attack Pieck but Eren turns around and dashes at me getting ready to slice me in half.
I scream at the top of my lunges as soon as he's in the motion of slicing, he stops as soon as he hears me and looks at me confused. That's when he screams in pain, he drops his sword ripping off his mask and falls to his knees with his hands on his head. He rubs his eyes hard and looks me in the eyes, I can see the color coming back and it looks so painful. When it comes back he looks around him and is shaking in fear, he looks back at me and has tears in his eyes.
Is all he could say, then Zeke steps in and talks for a second.
"Good little spar you four, umm Eren... no clue what the fucks happening with you but it's interesting."
He snaps his fingers and the three of them walk out of the room, Eren tries to get up to chase them but falls to the floor in pain. I guess the pain finally hit him, all I can do is stare at the man laying on the floor in agonizing pain.
Authors Note:

Hey guys this chapter had its super dark turn, I wanted to put this devil in the book because I wanted Eren to not only have a battle with people in the real world but a battle for his mind as well. It adds to everything that he'd be dealing with and I liked the idea. The song that is played is "I spoke to the devil in Miami by xxxtentacion" I liked the premise of the song is why I chose it. Thanks for reading it guys😊

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