Chapter 5 - What A Start

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Mikasa POV

I watch as he leaves on his motorcycle, once he's out of the area my stomach begins to churn. Did I really just do that? After all this time the first thing I do when I see him is punch him in the face, damnit why'd I do that? I go straight to Levi's class and find him on the phone with Hange, I look pissed and Levi sees this so he tells Hange he'd call her later.
"Im supposing you saw him, right?"
"Sasha texted me saying Eren came back and that he came here, what was it that he talked to you about?"
"Not sure if that's your business since he wanted it to be exclusive to me and him."
"Levi enough bullshit."
"Why does it matter to you anyways? you're over him right? So you shouldn't be worrying about this,'re not over him."
"I am....I'm just curious."
"Well ask him yourself at lunch, it's gonna be in two hours so get ready."
"Wait what? We're having lunch with him?"
"Yeah, everyone is. Is this a problem?"
I look down at the floor then back up at Levi unamused.
"'s not."
"Alright well go home and get ready."
I storm out of his classroom and then text Annie to come get me 'cause we need to talk. She picks me up from the university and we head to my place, we talk about the lunch meeting. Levi texted her and everyone else to meet there at 5 but left out the detail of Eren attending. When I told Annie that he came back her face lit up and was excited to see him again. When me and Annie got to my place we walk in and see Jean on the couch with Ymir drinking beers. I'm not happy from the sight of seeing my boyfriend not having a care in the world.
"You guys gonna get ready for the little gathering we're gonna have?"
"Huh? Yeah yeah just watching the game is all."
Jean says taking another swig of his beer, I abruptly ignore it and walk into the bedroom with Annie. She just lays on my bed as I do my make up and try on a few outfits.
"Hmm so you're trying to show Eren what he's been missing huh? Sneaky."
"Whatever it's not like that and besides....I decked him straight in the face so I'm pretty sure he got the message that I'm upset."
"Sureeee, think jeans gonna get jealous?"
"Probably but he's got nothing to worry about."
When I was done getting ready, I came out into the living room to see what Jean and Ymir were doing. They actually put their shoes on so that was a step forward, I told them to brush their teeth. I gave Ymir a spare toothbrush and they did as I wanted, I fixed jeans buttoned up shirt then we made our way to Annie's car. I wore a cute buttoned up shirt as well with jeans and flats. Ymir wore a brown leather jacket with a white shirt, black jeans and boots. Annie just wore a hoodie and jeans, her casual outfit. Once we approached the restaurant it looked basically like an Olive Garden, we go inside and the reservation is labeled under Levi's name. We get to the table and we see Levi, Krista, Reiner, Connie and Sasha. We take our seats and I'm sitting beside Jean and Krista, Annie is sitting beside Levi and an empty chair. Jean sees this and is curious to know what's up with the extra seat.
"Levi, is Hange joining or something?"
"No she's not feeling to well, but we do have a guest that will be joining us."
"And who would that be?"
"That'd be me."
We all turn back and see the emerald eyed boy walking to his seat, he's wearing a black long sleeved T-shirt not the same one as before. The sleeves of this one go to the middle of his forearm, he also wore gloves that cut off at the middle of his fingers. He took his seat and everyone is in a daze of shock, everyone except me and Levi. Sasha and Connie are still wrapping their heads around him being here. Everyone continues to stare until Reiner breaks the silence.
"I-is it really you Eren?"
"Yeah, you haven't changed much Reiner. Besides growing a go-T."
"Same for you besides being a bit more toned and your hairs a lot longer."
"Still emo?"
Reiner says with a big grin, then everyone floods Eren with questions of where he's been. He tells us a brief story of him training with a man for about a year and a half. Everyone is still excited about him being here but Jean. He continues staring at me and Eren, I don't show any emotions towards him sitting ahead of me. Jean decides to talk to Eren and it's not in a heart warming way.
"So Mr.GreenEyedDemon you've been gone for this long and act like nothing's happen the past two years, kinda shitty if you ask me."
Jean says drinking some wine, I try to tell him to slow down but he continues drinking it. Eren looks at Levi and Levi looks back at him, even his way of looking at things has changed. He seems so emotionless, like nothing even matters but something tells me he's just hiding it all.
"I was asked to come here by Levi to see you all again, I told him doing this might not have been the best idea because of that statement but he insisted."
"Should have stayed away from us."
"Excuse me?"
"I said you should have stayed away from us and not come here."
Everyone looks at Jean upset at what he was saying except for Eren, he's just staring into his soul.
"I guess so....I'm sorry Levi, I'll be leaving now."
Everyone tries to get him to stay but Eren gets from his seat and gets ready to leave, as awkward as it was I still wanted him to be here too.
I yell across the table, Eren stops then looks back at me and Jean. Jeans furious at me making Eren stop and takes matters into his own hands.
"What are you stopping him for Mikasa? He's a good for nothing coward who runs away from his problems instead of facing them head on."
"What was that Jean?"
Eren says looking at Jean pissed, that's about the only emotion I've seen Eren have yet and it wasn't a good sight.
"You heard me Jaeger, you're a punk who thinks he's cool now that he has a reputation for himself."
"We can settle this right now Jean, just give me the word."
Jean gets up from his chair and tries to head for Eren but Reiner and I stop them both from fighting. I decide to keep the peace.
"Stop fighting for one minute you two, babe sit down. Eren if you'd please sit down as well it'd be much appreciated."
Eren gives me a "seriously" look but complies with it, he goes back to his chair but Jean is still standing.
"Eren if you think you can come back and ruin what we have here you're surely mistaken."
Eren takes a look at Jean then at me.
"Wouldn't plan on it pal."
He says while taking a sip of his water, this is one hell of a way to start lunch.

Going Rogue (erenxmikasa) Book 2 of A New Beginning Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ