Chapter 2 - So What Now?

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Mikasa's POV

I continue staring at the screenshots, he's changed a lot. Then Annie snaps her fingers in front of me and I come back to.
"Thought I lost you there, so...what do we do?"
"Who all knows about this?"
"Literally the entire world right now, you two were the only ones I've talked to that doesn't know. He's literally on all the news channels look."
Annie says while pointing to the TV at the right corner of the room and see that it's showing a debate on the "Green Eyed Demon".
"He's killed many people using a sword for Christ sake, if that doesn't scream dangerous I don't know what will."
The Asian man on the right says as they show screenshots of Eren.
"Well if you didn't know he stopped a major robbery, granted he shouldn't have killed them. But he still stopped it wouldn't you call that noble?"
The Latina woman says to the Asian man, they continue bickering back and worth that's when I don't pay attention anymore and look into my coffee cup. There's talk all around the place about the masked man, what if Eren did come back? What would that mean for me and Jean? Wait no me and him have a connection now I can't just blow him away after a year. Annie texts everyone to meet at the coffee shop so we could discuss our friend. Once they all get here we get a big table and talk about the situation.

Levi starts it up with a vote on who thinks it'd be best to continue looking for him. The ones who say yes are Annie, Reiner and Levi. Everyone looks at me shocked  for not agreeing to look for him.
"Don't you still care about him?"
Annie asks with a sad look in her eyes, I don't know if that'd be best for me emotionally.
"I've moved on, I don't think it'd be best for me to see him again....after all this time I just don't know."
I say looking down at the floor, I notice Jean is happy to see that I'm over Eren. Reiner isn't amused about us not wanting to search for him though.
"This is our friend guys, we really just about to abandon him?"
"You see what he goes by now Reiner? The Green Eyed Demon. I don't know about you but it seems like he's to far gone as it is, what if he doesn't recognize us and tries to kill us? In case you haven't noticed he's like an assassin now and that me chills every time I see it."
Jean states back to Reiner trying to get his point across as vivid as possible. The debate continues on until we all get pretty tired of talking about it, it was settled that we'd wait for him to come to us.

Me and Jean go back to the apartment and he want to talk about Eren....why am I not surprised.
"I need to know now, do you still love him?"
"Why would you ask me that Jean!?"
"Because every time he comes into the picture you freak out and don't know what to do. So if he walked up to you right now what would you do?"
"I don't know Jean, I honestly don't know what I'd do. I don't know if I'd be happy or sad or excited. I just don't know and you bothering me about it is not helping me what so ever!"
I yell at him walking into our room and slamming the door, I lock it and fall to the floor propping against the door. Jean tries to apologize but I keep the door locked all day, I stay in the room and think about Eren. What would I do if he came into my life again? Jean takes me out of thoughts with him continuously asking for me to talk to him.
"Babe please, I just want to apologize."
"Save your breath and leave."
"You know what, fine!"
He says and gets from the ground and slamming the front door behind him, I get up from my floor and open the door to enter the kitchen.
"What a jerk."
I mumble under my breath as I grab some potato chips, I grab my phone and vent to Annie about what happened. She comes by my apartment to talk, we both sit on the couch and listen to music.
"Then he yelled fine and stormed out."
"Damn what an asshole, you miss Eren?"
"I mean...of course but I don't know if I could be with him after all that me and Jean have been through."
"I understand that but what if Eren came to you now?"
There's that damned question again, this time I'll answer truly.
"I'd probably cry....I've missed him for so damn long and him coming back would probably make me ball like a baby."
"Bout time you finally told the truth, I get you don't want to hurt Jean because you care for him too but you still love Eren Mikasa."
"I know but I can't tell Jean that...he'd flip and we're at an okay place right now let's just keep it that way."
Annie nods her head and we just listen to music and watch some TV.  I continue thinking of Eren, Will he come back?

Erens POV

I stare at a man sitting in a chair bloodied to a corpse, no emotions are shown on my face...I've become as cold as ice and I don't sympathize anymore.
"I know you know more on where he is, so spill it."
"I don't I swear, I don't want to die please don't kill me."
I stare at him one last time, he can't see my emotions over the mask but it's not like it matters. Because I don't care one bit wether he wants to live or not....he's dead to me already. I grab my sword and stab it straight through his chest. There's no other evidence I have to find any Eldians, I guess maybe....damnit I can't but...I guess I have to find Levi. I put my sword back in the holder and walk out of the blood infested room.

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