Ch. 52 Waking Up In The Malfoy Manor

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Conking my head onto the stone ground was a miracle in disguise.

Not only did it render me unconscious, but it also gave my erratic mind time to cool down and relax.

It was that and the fact that I seemed to be stuck in this black abyss; no matter how hard I pushed or how hard I fought against it nothing seemed to work. It only seemed to wear me out more and more, so I finally gave up and let myself float in the black pool, unable to do anything else.

Finally, after, who knows how long, I felt something change before me. The endless abyss of darkness. Images that I hadn't seen in a while, that I thought to be gone, were now appearing before me at full force.

I was so shocked about what I was seeing without meaning to I let out a high-pitched squeal. Just as suddenly the images disappeared.

I began to hear a low buzzing for a few moments before I began to hear the buzzing as it transformed into loud voices, and from the tone of them, they were all about to start bellowing at one another. Possibly ring each others necks.

"It's been four hours? Four! Wasn't the medic you called, werent they supposed to help wake her up?" Tom asked, or rather demanded, irritated.

"Look, there really isn't much we could do at this point, Riddle, the medic herself said that it wasn't about her begin unconscious, it's her mind's defense mechanism. You can't just make her wake up, she has to do it on her own." An unfamiliar voice spoke.

I wanted to roll my eyes at them but realized I couldn't do that since I still had them closed.

With a lot of difficulty, I willed my eyelids to pull back to discover that I was in an unfamiliar room, laying in an unfamiliar bed, probably within the Malfoy Manor.

I let my eyes roam all over the room, trying to take in every nook and cranny, before letting them land on an annoyed looking Tom, who was still pacing from the foot of the bed.

"W-what happened?" I asked, clearing my throat, as I felt it parch.

I could see the moment when Tom realized I had finally woken up.

I could feel my amusement as his face turned from an annoyed expression to a relieved one.

"Who are you?" I asked, curiously, tilting my head to the side, as my eyes landed on a man with familiar pale hair that was cropped short, and spiked in every direction.

He stood near the door, so still I almost missed him. The otherwise dark room was lit by a small fire in the hearth, giving of light but only just.

"Oh, Abraxas Anthony Malfoy, pleasure to meet you. I am Lucius' older brother. My fiancée, Dawn Rosier, and I will be staying here while you all stay here during the summer." He said, introducing himself.

"Pleasure, I am sure." I said, looking at Tom, with a raised eyebrow.

"One last question. Are you alright with us all coming here and doing all of this?" I asked, as Tom sat down next to me on the bed.

"I am more than alright with it, actually. I know this is the only way to bring the bastard who murdered our parents to justice. That alone makes it alright with me." He said, nodding.

I nodded back, "My most heartfelt condolences. I am sorry for your loss. I am sure your parents were great people." I said. "I know you were there when it happened, I am sorry you had to witness that, nobody should see something so atrocious happen, especially to their mum and dad." I added.

He nodded in response, "Thank you for your kind words. If you're feeling any better, dinner is about to be served," He said, turning for the door before he turned back one more, "Riddle, you can go back to your room, now."

From my peripheral vision, I could see Tom scowl at the spot where Lucius' brother stood moments before.

I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my lips, as I watched his annoyed expression, turn into a scowl.

"I don't see what you find so hilarious..." He told me, his jaw flexing as his eyes scanned me from head to toes.

I could tell he wanted to say more but I knew that if I asked I'd be the one taking the brunt of his anger.

So, I nodded, before sliding off the bed and slipping on my shoes, and cloak.

"Who's he-" I asked before we both heard six resounding pops coming from beneath us.

Turning to look at him with wide eyes before we both jumped off the bed and ran out the door of the room, through the narrow hall, and down the wide stair case.

Standing in the foyer was a shocked Lucius, his older brother along with Rosier, Dolohov and Yaxley.

But that's not what shocked me the most, laying at their feet unconscious were my lovely friends, the Black sisters.

I didn't think about it when I ran towards them, throwing myself on my knees in between an unconscious Bellatrix and Andromeda.

Quickly scanning them to make sure they weren't injured. Then checking Narcissa, who had a gash on her forehead.

"What happened?" I asked, carefully, as I kept my eyes on Bella.

"We're not sure, we were on our way to the dining room when we heard the resounding pops of someone disapparating into the house." Abraxas said, looking worried.

I nodded, slowly placing the tips of my fingers onto Bellatrix's forehead. I almost fell unconscious as I watched people begin to invade the Blacks' home, Druella telling the girls to get to safety, and then them landing here before they all fell unconscious.

"Their home has been invaded by Nikolai's followers. I should go. I have to go see if they're alright." I said, standing up before walking to the door.

"Like hell you will! What if he is still there? He could hurt you! Or kill you!" Tom roared, as his hand wound around my elbow holding me in place.

"I have to. How will we know if they're alright? I have to go see them." I pleaded, trying to disentangle myself from his hold.

After a few minutes they all conceded, but of course Tom, Dolohov and Rosier were coming with me.

Quickly retrieving my small bag- enchanting it, before I placed the few potions that I thought I may need, and other things that may come in handy, before securing it over my body and walking down to where they were both waiting for me.

"I hope you realize that we are taking unnecessary risks here by going back to where they still may be hidding." Tom alleged, as we walked out the front door.

"In other words, if it turns out you are wrong and everyone there is dead, and they're waiting for us to ambush us. Ending the war before it even starts." Dolohov sneered.

"Need I remind you that if I wanted your opinion I'd ask for it?" I sneered back.

"Seriously, quit pissing them off, Dolohov. If you wish to stay then go back to the manor and be quiet. Leave the hard work to a real man." Rosier retorted.

"Enough. We have things to do. And places to be. If you don't want to be here, you can leave. You are free to do so." Tom commanded, taking my hand before we apparated for the second time today.

Little did we know that Tom was right, and my caring actions would come back to bite me in the hindcourters.

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