Ch. 26 Reconciliation

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Soon as we walked into the clearing, I noticed the group stood in a loose circle.

We were only a few feet away from the group when strange flecks began to appear in my line of sight.

I quickly grabbed onto Bella's shoulder, steadying myself before I lost my balance as I began to get pulled into a vision.

I gapped for a second before I blinked back into the present.

I had seen what Tom was planning now, the question was whether I should let it happen or not.

Tom looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

I shook my head at him, to his questioning gaze, before nodding for him to commence.

 The faster this happened, the faster I could go back to my room, to hopefully get some very much needed rest.

"—seeing as we have almost a month and a half left a school before we get a Christmas break. We'll need to act quickly. Earlier this evening I was informed that the staff has decided to have a Christmas party this year, dreadful as it sounds I expect you all to attend. Everyone will be there, giving me a chance to complete my research." He explained, seeming almost hesitant.

"What does that have to do with us being here?" I asked, unintentionally interrupting him mid-sentence, much to his annoyance.

I watched expressionless, as his forest green eyes flickered towards my direction, a scowl on his face, which changed when he noticed I was still wearing the dress from the ball.

I could feel his eyes traveling up and down, scanning me from head to toe.

Heat filling my body, as I felt myself begin to react to his heated, penetrating gaze.

It annoyed me to do so, leaving me at his mercy.

"That is where I am getting to, my beautiful, lovely Lady." He replied before scanning the woods behind us.

A smirk began slowly appearing on his otherwise emotionless face.

Wanting to avoid staring at him like an idiot.

More than I needed to, I grabbed Bellatrix's wrist, quickly using Occlumency to block any eavesdroppers, before I pushed into her mind, allowing us to speak telepathically.

'Bella, I just got an idea' I thought excitedly, startling her.

She swallowed her shock and put the unreadable, uninterested expression before tilting her head slightly to the side in acknowledgement.

'Oh, I'll never get used to you being able to do that.' She thought, her lips twitching in acknowledgement.

'Do you want to get back at Rod or not?' I thought to her questioningly.

She moved her head as if looking around, once back and forth.

'I think I'll do this then. Bastian knows why Rod didn't take you to the ball tonight. What's one way to hurt a guy without their knowing it? Their pride. Hang around with Bastan. Since he happens to be his brother, it'll hurt so much more.' I thought smirking as I watched and listened to Tom talk about his plans before the school went out on break.

I realized this meant he was either planning to stay here at school during break, or going to one of the group members' homes.

Interesting as it seemed I had already asked Professor McGonagall to sign the permission slip which allowed me stay at Bella's house for over the break.

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