Ch. 11 Revelations & Surprises

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Anna's POV: (Present)

I woke up feeling dazed and confused.

Noting my surroundings as my mind slipped into awareness.

'How had I gotten to the hospital wing?' I wondered, suddenly remembered falling asleep on my bed in the Gryffindor tower.

I turned onto my side and looked at my surroundings once more, taking them in again. Now noticing the wing was completely empty except for me.

I half expecting someone to show up and pop out from behind the divisor to say 'just kidding'.

My body received a familiar ache in my muscles as I tried to get out of the cot. I had only managed to get into a half sitting, half laying position when suddenly I heard dozens of pairs of hurried footsteps rushing back into the infirmary.

Surprised, I let myself fall back onto the squeaky mattress, making me cringe in pain as I did so.

I felt heartrate spike up as I heard the footsteps begin to come near my location. A sharp pain began to radiate on the side of my head, I fought against it, almost smiling at the relief I felt as it wash away.

"Anna." The familiar smooth voice sighed in relief.

My head snapped up at the voice, turning to look on the direction I heard the voice come from and let put a relieved breath.

Tom stood at the foot of my bed, a relief prominent on his otherwise calm expression on his face.

"Tom? Oh, thank Merlin, it's you. What the in bloody hell happened? How did I get here? All I remember is falling asleep on my bed, back in the Gryffindor dormitories, then waking up here. What exactly happened?" I asked, trying to be calm but failing miserably.

"I was actually hoping you could explain what had happened to me." He said, sounding just as confused as me.

"What do you know? You must know something. Anything. At least, how I got here. How long have I been here?" I asked him anxiously.

"A couple of weeks. Today is the day before the O.W.L.S, they will begin tomorrow. All I know is that I left you in the entrance of Gryffindor tower that night, and the next day Evans, Prewett, MacLaggen, and Blake were all screaming bloody murder, stating that you wouldn't wake up. People were beginning to think someone had slipped the Draught of the Living Dead potion we brewed that day in double Potions. When the antidote didn't work we knew that it was something else happening. So, what happened? Were you seeing something?" He asked, worried as he sat on the chair next to the bed.

"I can't remember a lot. I just remember you walking me to the Gryffindor tower, and changing before I went to bed. The only weird thing that happened was the feeling I got as I got into bed. It felt as if I was falling into an endless abyss, the more I clung on the harder and faster I fell. I-I saw something too but I-I'm not sure if I should explain it." I said, feeling my brow wrinkle in confusion, my lower lip begin to tremble, and my eyes closed on their accord.

"Does it involve me?" He asked, leaning closer to me, pulling up my chin to make me look at him.

I nodded once, feeling myself begin to lose control of my emotions.

Not as badly as the first time, just a bit, enough to make the pitcher full of water shatter, and then potions that sat on the bedside table were sent to the ground.

I took a deep breath and open my eyes again.

"Ah. Miss. Riel, how are you feeling you? You gave us quite a scare there. That was quite a nap you took there, mind you, not as long as we feared. First thing's first, how are you feeling?" Headmaster Dippet asked.

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