Ch. 30 Discoveries

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During the next month things passed rather rapidly.

Our hard studying seemed to be paying off though, which made me happier than before. Things between Tom and I seemed to get better and better. Though the meetings had seemed to almost disperse after the night of the ball.

We had become busy studying that it became more difficult to gather with exams occuring every other Friday.

While at the library, Tom finally had revealed to me what he was looking for.

His family history.

He knew his mother was a witch, he knew he was the heir to Slytherin. But he wanted to know the name of her family, who still lived.

I believed he still had a bit of hope that his mother was alive, hidden somewhere in the world. Even if he never worded his belief, I could see it in his eyes as he eagerly scanned book after book in the library with me.

We were currently in the library surrounded by family trees and blood lines.

It was rather interesting until I saw something that made my blood run cold.

The Riel lineage began thousands of years ago. I followed the lineage with my eyes, as my eyes finished scanning the page I realized that not only was I in the Slytherin bloodline, but I was also a direct descendent. A great part of my families bloodline was missing though.

I sat mesmerized as I watched the branches in my family go into different directions, connecting all four of the founders, as I sat there following with my eyes.

Fortunately, my family's bloodlines weren't related to the Gaunt family, the last known living family to be alive within the Slytherin bloodline. Until now.

Tom and I weren't related, but as I had suspected, many of the gifts I had were due to other people before me having them.

I also found out that I was a direct descendent of Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and even Hufflepuff. The revelation sent my mind reeling, I was almost too lost in thought.

After a few minutes, I snapped out of it and took a slow breath before informing Tom of the information I discovered.

"Tom, I-I think I've found something important." I whispered, not taking my eyes off the parchment before me.

"What did you find...?" He asked, curiously yet with a cautious note in his unwavering voice.

"We're both direct descendants to the Slytherin bloodline, we're not related though." I whispered, as I tried to wrap my mind around it.

He nodded, unsurprised.

"I think I also know who your mother was, and her name." I added.

"Oh, and...that would be?" He asked, looking at my face.

"Merope. Merope Gaunt. It says here that she disappeared. From what people believe to know, she is dead. It isn't marked though. So, there is a chance that she may still be out there." I breathed, scanning the book that laid before me.

"Your mother was one of the last few direct descendants of Salazar Slytherin himself." I added, as I finished scanning the page.

"Hmm." He said, scanning the parchment and book himself.

"Where are you going to stay during break?" I asked, suddenly, looking into his eyes as he read over my shoulder.

"I was planning on staying with Lestrange, or Dolohov for the first week, then I planned on going on a trip." He said offhandedly, as he made quick notes on a piece of parchment.

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