Ch. 46

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Just before the week had finished I ran into Grisha and Seamus, who were both tense as they finally saw me.

Seeing as we were in the library, I quietly lead them to far corner of the room, and sat down on the farthest table in the room.

"I know both of you have been seeing similar things as I have, these past few months. I am here try to explain to you what is going on, and why you are seeing these things." I began, watching Seamus specifically, though I was speaking to the two of them directly.

"Sophia, please tell me you aren't thinking of doing something as idiotic as going to face this unknown man all by yourself." He uttered, through tense lips.

"No, I am simply trying to find out what is truly happened to my parents. And what is truly going on in this dangerous situation. You both are familiar with the name Alexei Kuznetsova, and who he was, correct?" I asked them.

I watching silently as they both stiffened, and nodded shortly in response.

I let out a sigh, feeling as Tom pushed into my mind, suddenly beginning to feel calm.

"Well, his son is the bloke who is looking for me. I've seen him arrive to Hogsmeade, within the next year— months possibly— depending on a few things. Just a week after we graduate. I will be staying near here after I graduate, I want to avoid as many fatalities as possible." I explained looking unblinkingly at them, watching as they both stiffened in their seats.

"What?! Surely—Surely you cannot be that stupid as to think that you alone can take on one of Grindlewald's followers all by yourself." Seamus uttered shocked, trying to keep his voice leave down before we got kicked out of them library.

"No, you can't do that. Y-you'll need back up." Grisha uttered, her voice trembling.

"A-actually, I won't be going alone, a few of my friends from Slytherin will be coming with me. They will be my reinforcements." I said, trying to keep my nerves down to a minimum.

"So, you've thought of everything haven't you?" Seamus sneered, shaking his head annoyed.

"No, I haven't. I actually realized that there could be thousands of people who will be there on his side, whether willingly or under the Imperius Curse, they'll be there." I said.

Seamus nodded. "My friends and I will be going with you." He said, with finality on his tone.

"So will my friends and I. We will be there too. You can't stop us." Grisha added, looking towards me.

I started at them in disdain, wondering if I could change their minds, judging by the determination written on their faces, I would be failing before I even began.

"You'll need to begin working on your dueling skills. Nikolai and his army will be skilled, incredibly so." I said, feeling a bit of relief as they volunteered.

"Potion brewing too. I may need your help." I said giving Seamus a look.

"Remus and James are going to want to be a part of this. I haven't an idea if Sirius will. But I will be asking around." She added.

"Tell him this is about revenge. This is the person who murdered my parents, along with the Malfoys, and Blacks in cold blood. His only objective is to, much like his father, attempt to purge the wizarding world, trying to wipe out every muggle in the process, leaving only pure wizards alive..." I informed them.

"So, he-he is the-the one w-who killed those four people back in January?" She asked, shocked, beginning to tremble as she uttered the words.

"I have reason to believe that these people were killed because they were protecting me. Hiding my true identity, location, and very existence." I explained.

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