Ch. 39 Blacks' Ball

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After hours of what Bellatrix and I call 'tortured beautification' we were finally deemed to be ready.

Andi and Cissy seemed to work wonders on us.

They decided to tame Bella's hair by putting something called Sleekeazy's Hair Potion and Scalp Treatment, proceeding, to put it into pin curls, leaving it down and adding a simple brooch on the left side of her head.

They proceeded to put my hair in an elegant twist with a simple brooch to cover all the pins that had been placed to twist and keep my hair in the twist.

"Beautiful." Cissy whispered in awe.

"We're good." They said, 'high-five'ing each other.

"Yes, so good. I don't see why we are still having this foolish party, when our grandparents have just gotten their heads blown off." Bella complained, scowling at her reflection in the mirror.

"Bella!" Andi said, warningly.

I was standing by the bathroom, listening to them bicker when I felt the familiar peculiar stirring in my stomach begin as the present time disappeared before me once more.



A familiar dark hooded figure walked down the familiar cobblestone path, tall green hedges surrounding the path making it appear as if it were a green labyrinth.

The distant manor suddenly became larger and larger until a massive lighted manor appeared before the figure. Completed with massive cobblestone wooded doors. A path of thick cobblestone steps leading to the terrace.

The figure simply waved his hand, slamming the doors open violently, before walking into the lavishly decorated family room. Two familiar looking people stood in the middle of the sitting large room.

The figure dropped his hood as he walked into the room. A sinister smile on his familiar face. It was Nikolai Kutznetsova. Recognizable for his sharp features, complete with a broad form and stature, that made him look almost too menacing. His hair appeared to be raven, with ash-blonde streaks, but in reality, was just ash-blonde.

"Hello, Aly..." He said, a smirk pulling on his dry lips.

The woman, known as Alya Nova Malfoy, let out a shocked gasp, her light blue eyes widening as her husband pulled her body behind his, protectively.

"Oh please, there's no need to do that. I'm simply here to ask for a favor." He told the man, scoffing and rolling his eyes as he paced before them.

"A favor? We do not do favors for murderers." Abraxas Malfoy Senior sneered, as he foolishly pulled out his wand and pointed it at the man that was pacing before them.

"You are working with Grindlewald are you not? Have him do a favor for you." He continued ignoring his wife's light warning.

"No, you see your wife and I were acquaintances of sorts a long time ago. I need you to tell me if you know anyone by the name Riel or MacLaggen." He said, smirking at their shocked expressions.

"No, we do not. If you are looking for someone, then might I suggest you actually start looking for them, because you aren't going to find anything here." Abraxas said, stiffly.

"Didn't they teach you any manners, Mr. Malfoy?" Nikola, asked, amused.

"Not for people like you." he growled in response.

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