Ch. 7 Losing Control & Enjoying it

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***Annamarie's  POV:***

My new-found talents were something I decided I would be keeping as a secret from everybody.

Though I tried practicing some more soon after I discovered them, I was now an empath, a little more than that actually, I could make people experience pain, give or take it away, just like any other emotion, give it to them or numb them completely.

I experimented with it, that entire night, right up until I fell asleep. There were more things I discovered I could do but I had yet to control and dominate them.

Come Thursday morning, I was awake at the crack of dawn.

I got out of bed as quietly as I possibly could, noting it was still too early to be up. Realizing I wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep, I made my way to the bathrooms connected to the hospital wing.

Only to realized it was around four in the morning. The sun was barely peaking onto the darkened midnight blue sky.

I slowly filled the bathtub that was in one of the secluded sections of the bathroom, shed my clothes, and slowly sunk into the warm water.

I sat there slowly letting the warm water begin to relax, after a few minutes of just sitting there I slid underwater. Seeing as I had almost five hours before classes began. I washed my hair slowly, then scrubbed the grime of the last couple of days off my body.

I got out of the bath when the water began to turn cold and my fingers began to get wrinkly.

For once, I took the time to dress in my uniform, I did a simple spell to dry my hair and style it in carefully placed ringlets. I smiled at myself in the mirror, and placed a flowered headband. Taking my time to do and undo my red and golden tie around my neck before making my way out of the lavatories.

I quickly performed a minor spell on my nightwear to get it to go back to the dormitories.

Then proceeding to quietly exited the wing and slowly make my way towards Black Lake, pulling the hood of my cloak over my head as I entered the woods.

Slowly let my senses take over, my hearing heightened, my eye sight as well... When I finally reached the lake, I let my senses take over. I reveled at the beauty before me, everything seemed to expand as the light began to hit everything, making it shine in a new light.

I sat there on the ground for almost an hour, maybe more, before I realized that breakfast was half way over, and I would be late to my classes if I didn't hurry back to school.

I lowered my hood as soon as I was back on school grounds, making my way towards the Great Hall to get a quick snack.

When I entered the Great Hall, and quickly made my way towards the Gryffindor table, sitting down next to James and Lily, who were having a heated discussion over an unknown topic.

"Now you know why we can't do that. To do that it would be like-" Lily was saying before she spotted me.

"Anna, it's nice to see you. How are you? How you are feeling?" Lily babbled, worried.

"I'm fine, Lil. I feel great, actually. Better than good, slightly better than better." I replied, keeping my eyes on the table as I grabbed a small sandwich and filled my goblet with juice.

"Not hungry?" James inquired, eyeing my plate.

"No, not really, but I want to avoid going back to Madam Noelle, if it's possible. If you ask me, I've been there one too many times these past few weeks. I should at least give her a break from me and my pretty face. Allow her the delight to see other students here." I quipped, smirking as I finished the food on my plate.

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