Ch. 21 Denial

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" You know, Denial isn't just a river in Egypt."


Anna's POV:

It had been a week since I woke up in the infirmary once more.

This was becoming some sort of frequent occurrence for me, and to be honest, I wasn't entirely sure how to feel about it.

Madam Noelle informed me that it was due to lack of nourishment and exhaustion, to which she quickly forced me to stay in there to rest until the next afternoon.

I was currently sitting in the chair in my room, reading a book of defensive spells far more advanced than the ones that were being taught within the school.

I felt my brow furrow as I put the book down and picked up the book in the Dark Arts. My eyes landed on a spell, one that said was so dangerous, the killing spell wouldn't be needed, the victim would be in a coma-like state, though that's not what makes the spell the dangerous.

This spell causes the victim to age rapidly, meaning that if the victim was hit he or she would die exactly three days later, there was no way of undoing the spell.

No counteracting spell could stop it. Meaning death was certain.

"Whatcha' you reading there, Soph?" Bella asked me, as she walked in, dropping her bag on her bed as she walked by.

"Nothing much. Just some light reading." I answered, closing both books, and putting them in the bedside table drawer.

"So, are you going to tell me what happened with Tom the other night...or do I need to get it out of you?" She asked me, throwing herself on the couch, head first.

"Nothing happened. I just realized he doesn't want to be with me. He-he has different priorities, at the moment." I said, willing the tears that begun to form in my eyes, willing them not to fall.

"Right... and I'm an acromantula." She retorted, snorting and rolling her eyes at me.

I sighed, shaking my head at her antics, before I reached over and grabbed her hand, to show her what happened that night after they all left.

She gasped, her jaw falling open. "I didn't know you could do that." She gasped, blinking again dazed.

"I can do a lot of things, many of which I would like to stay hidden. So, not of word to anyone about this." I said, staring her down.

She quickly nodded, "That still doesn't explain why you and Tom aren't talking. You are making us all feel like we're the children whose parents are in the middle of separation, having constantly to pick sides. Tom doesn't like that either. He looks irritated whenever that happens." She said, mumbling that last part, not low enough that I missed It though.

"That's not my fault, and you know it. He likes to push my buttons." I mumbled, sitting down on the bed.

'Jerkwad, always knows what buttons to push...' I think, rolling my eyes in exasperation.

"You know Denial isn't just a river in Egypt?" She said sarcastically, cackling at my annoyed expression.

"... and did you know 'I told you so' has a brother? His name is 'shut the hell up'." I quipped back.

Quickly throwing a pillow at her, and rolling my eyes at her as it hit her in the face, making her cackling stop immediately as she rolled off the couch, shocked.

"Let's go, or we'll be late for supper." She grumbled, getting off the floor scowling at the pillow as if it hit her of its own accord.

I sat there on the bed laughing my head off as she continued to glare at the pillow on the floor. She shook her head at me, before taking my hand and dragging me to the Great Hall.

Iniquity Approaches Book 2 of Iniquity Series~Complete~Where stories live. Discover now