Chapter Nine: A Girl That Cant Be Touched * Added On*

Start from the beginning

"So you two have been given out a new target " He points out as he picks up some files and placed it on the table "Level 8 agents, the job must be done under 10 hours. "

The girl had grasped the file before I did. I guess that she was pretty nervous that it could be someone that she knew. She did, her brown eyes lowered as she had her eyes water. Then she cleared her throat to make her seem alright. It fooled Alexander but it didn't for me .

Her hand tossed it for me . The files had two familiar faces on it : that patriot and a red head. I know the red head though, she was a target. One of the few that gotten away, I may add. Anne must be freaking out more then her face could show.

"You look really cute in that outfit Shmidt. It suits you . Your pretty without your mask on , why don't you take it off ?" Alexander said.

Oh god. What is he getting at? I don't like the what he is taking this...

Anne had obeyed as she removed her mask . Her lips were now revealed as they fully parted smoothly. Alexander turned to see my reaction. I turned bright red at him . I wanted him to stop but he was only doing it to mock me.

"See doesn't she look pretty" He says.

" Very " I say quickly looking away from her. I hope that I didn't offend her. Anne was rather confessed on what Alexander was hinting at.

Anne's P.O.V : At HYDRA Headquarters.

I shouldn't be knowing about Steve Rogers at all anymore. The way that Alexander had spoken to me had indicated that I should have forgotten about my past completely. Alexander was even clever enough to give me a story about me being shot during WWII. But I am smart enough to know that its all a simple lie just to persuade me away from what really happened.

I am not stupid. I am gullible however.

I was given a tour of the place. Very small and dark I must say. There was barely enough light for us to walk down the hallways . None of the men seemed to care however , as it was their home. The Winter Soldier stayed next to me the entire time.

He seemed like he was programmed to enjoy this. He lost his memories after all, what else was he to turn to. Even though he may be the massive assassin, he had proved to me twice that on the inside he's a really great guy. He is kind a tribute that I like in a guy.

Wait did I just say that?

A man who had tried to kill me twice, he killed Nick Fury and who knows how many others. He is a monster, who had shot me three times! Why do I seem to care for him so much?

I guess that it may be because he might remind me of Bucky. Its true he shares the fighting style as he did: he was a man who wouldn't give up . He also shows similar expressions on his face.

I can't have sparks for this man..

Can I ?

We were both shoved away from each other as the Soldier was pushed into his chamber to prepare for the night. He needed to get changed and stuff for the night before the guards could let me inside the room. I was to share the same room as him. I found it a bit weird for two fighting in crime partners to be actually doing this. But I guess its because the place is so tiny.

Brock Rumlow , one of the head assassins there. He had almost looked like a ghost: he had very pale skin with black hair and eyes. One wrong look at him and he would have haunted your nightmares. He however was a bad ass who knew what he was talking about when it came to fighting. He's been here for only ten years , but he gained Alexander's trust.

He told all of the other agents to leave us. Each of them had given a small bow leaving the two of us alone. Brock had then began to circle me and study my body head to toe. He slowly chuckled when he seen me flinch my shoulders as I didn't feel too safe around him.

"Not too trusting I see. " He says leaning closer to my ears. I could feel his heavy breath brush against my ears as I slowly turned to him. His black hungry eyes had slowly widened in interest.

"That's okay, your safe. " He continues starting to place his hand on my back then the other just barely touched my hips. I turned my body as I perched my lips to make him feel the warmth of me. He backed away as he seemed to laugh about it.

"Your a fiery one. Do not worry we will get in bed ." He says winking at me then stopped teasing when he seen the man me.

The soldier had taken a deep breath as he spoken to Brock. His left arm had wrapped around me as he defended me. I had no idea how long he was there, but it was honestly a surprise that he was there at the right time. To get me out of this situation. However I must add that he was rather sweaty.

"Don't touch her. This girl cant be touched!" Said a familiar voice.

No one speaks like that except for one man. He is long gone I must add . But it sounded exactly like him, almost like the man that I spoke to before I gotten shot . Brock had made his way leaving the halls, making the two of us alone.

I slowly turned to the Soldier. He looked exactly like the man I spoke to. Obviously he was the same man I had spoken to. The Soldier didn't have his shirt on , which would explain why he was so moist. He is big I could tell you that, with his wide shoulders. They weren't as wide as Steve's but they were pretty big. His eyes narrowed to me as he swirled me out of his gasp.

He knew that he had lied to me about his identity. Well , he didn't really, he just kept it to himself. So I wouldn't exactly call it lying. But the man had apologised to me as he noticed that the cats out of the bag.

"Look I am so sorry Anne"

I was lost in my thought. He looks like Bucky Barnes, He fights like Bucky Barnes...

My eyes made contact with his unique arm. I then noticed something that I should have seconds earlier. I felt so stupid to not notice that it was Bucky's left hand that was stabbed. Was it just a coincidence that it was his left arm that is now a piece of metal? And the other clues had hinted up to it as well. He may deny it like he did the first time .

But now I am sure that I am alive. I am sure that he's Bucky.

And now I am sure that he's my true love.

But how in the world did he get like this.

"Bucky?" I say.

"Who the hell is Bucky? He responds narrowing his eyebrows. He was rather confused on why I called him the same name twice even though he denied that was his name.

Now that I had found my true love, I need to break his own curse before things get too far. Maybe Steve can help me with that.

"Oh nothing " I say looking down "No one that you would know"

Bucky had no idea what I had meant, but went on with it. We had went into the dark room and fell into deep silence as we both didn't sleep at all.

But the Soldier pretended to sleep with his eyes fluttered shut. I could almost seen the man that I fallen in love with through all of those years ago.

Fear Is How I Fall * Bucky Barnes/ Winter Soldier Love Story* Book One Of Marvel SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now