twelve. accusations don't make friends

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i reached 1k on this story and i just wanted to make a lil side note to thank everyone who has been telling me how much they love the story and who have been helping me out with it. thanks for sticking with it and i'm glad you're enjoying it 🙂

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The room was cold. The floor was cold. The sleeping bag they'd provided me with was cold. I hadn't been able to sleep all night - be it because of the cold, stale air, or because of the fact that I was sleeping on a concrete floor in a sleeping bag with no padding, I didn't really know. I figured it was all of it.

I sat up slowly, listening first to see if anyone was awake. The moon was almost full and, thanks to the fact that we'd ended up sleeping in the rec room, and the windows didn't have shutters or shades, so the room was easily illuminated.

Over by the wall opposite the door, Cody and Roami were sleeping closely together, their arms stretched over the short distance between them. I couldn't help but smile at it. They were really cute and I loved whatever relationship they had together.

Carlos turned again, grabbing my attention. He had fallen asleep first, turning his back to us and covering his face with his pillow. He was taking this pretty badly. I didn't completely understand why, since he wasn't even one of the 'suspects.' We'd all talked the night before, agreeing that none of us really did think the three of them brought drugs. But where was Emerson? They hadn't gone back to the cabin and they hadn't been found around camp. . .

I looked over at Jango. She'd fallen asleep sitting against the wall beside the door, one knee pulled to her chest and her head lulling there. Knowing she'd stay asleep, and remembering some of the mornings she had slept past all of us yelling while getting dressed and leaving her to sleep while we went to breakfast.

"Zay, you awake?" I whispered, half hoping to wake her up. She was asleep beside me, her hair a mess and her mouth half open. I poked lightly at her cheek, waiting as she waved my hand away. I shook her shoulder this time. She'd spent most of the night figuring out how to get comfortable and fall asleep. Now, she turned on her back in a flop, her eyes still tight shut, and just laid. It was strange and a bit funny. After struggling to get comfortable for hours, me disturbing her had made her comfortable on her back. I rolled my eyes. "Zay?" I tried again. No response.

I propped myself up on my hands, leaning back a bit and looking around. When I turned to my right, I noticed Chrissie. She was sitting up with her legs crossed and her hands on her knees. She smiled brightly at me.

"Yo," she said easily.

I felt my heart change beat, dropping for a second before speeding up a bit more than it had been before. She looked calm as could be, but there was a glint of something in her eyes.

"Hey. . ." I waved uncertainly. She reciprocated the small gesture, just watching me with a toothy smile.

"Whatcha doing?"

"Uh, just, nothing."

She nodded. "It looked like you were gonna leave."

I hadn't been sure what I was going to do, honestly. I hadn't been planning on leaving, but I didn't really want to stay here. Jango wouldn't wake up if I left, and the consequences of leaving weren't too high. What would they do, tell me they'd magically found weed in my bag? I doubted it.

"Going for a walk," I decided, standing up. The air was even colder than I'd expected. It was like a rush against my skin, the parts that had been covered by my blankets were even colder; like I'd jumped into a pool after being in a pool.


I nodded, running a hand through my hair. The clothes we were given the night before were baggy and unable to keep any heat. The cold air rushed through the bottoms of the XL sweatpants and around the enormous necking and sleeves of the huge shirt. We'd all been given clothes that were too big, the clothes Chrissie and Cody had been given would most likely fit Carlos or I perfectly.

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