Chapter 6 - Battle of the Supernaturals

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Bella - I got to school just before the bell for class, so i quickly ran to my locker and got my books out that i needed for my first few lessons, bumping into Eric and Jessica on the way to the classroom. I had History, Gym, Chemistry, Lunch, Maths and then the dreaded Biology, with Edward. I sat down in a chair near the back of the room, after seeing what we were learning today as i had already learnt this at my old school and got my phone out, to see i had 2 New messages. 1 from Leah which made me smile and 1 from Edward which wiped it off as fast as it had arrived. I decided to read Edwards one first " Saw you the other day at the diner, heard something interesting about a new person, WHO IS IT????" I just shook my head and went to Leah's message " Hey baby, can't wait to see you after school, 2 days is to long haha, will be out front with my bike, XX" I smiled and thought i only had 4 hours until i could see her.

Gym and Chemistry went by quite quickly and before i knew it it was lunch.. I knew the places to hide to avoid people as i had done this the first week i was here, before i started to hang out with my friends. I did this because i knew that Edward would be trying to find me, as we had the same lunch period. I quickly grabbed food from the cafeteria before heading out the door and into one of the classrooms that most people would walk by unless you had a reason to go in. I messaged Leah back, as the teacher had come in before i could text her back. " Hey babe, just on my lunch, hiding out in one of the classrooms because i think Edward over heard me talking to charlie about seeing someone, not looking forward to that conversation... " Not even a minute later, my phone buzzed with a new message "Sorry i cant be there to help beautiful, just remember that im gonna be there as soon as the bell rings, so just try and ignore him and head straight out, i miss you" I loved how she just knew what to say, " I miss you 2 and i shall, xx " The bell rang soon after. So I headed to my next class before the Biology with Edward.

It was finally that time of the day. Finally last period. 1 hour until i could see Leah, but also the period i shared with Edward. I got to class before him thankfully and asked the teacher if i could change partners, and when he asked i mumbled something about an argument, and some girly stuff that made him wince. Like physically wince, i mean he is a Biology teacher for gods sake. I had just sat down next to Mike, when Edward came through the door and looked confused when there was no one at the table i used to sit at. He looked around and made eye contact with me, which i quickly broke and got my things out i needed for the lesson. The lesson seemed to go on forever, whenever i checked the clock it had only moved like 5 minutes and i could sense that Edward wanted to come over and talk, but thankfully the teacher had given us work and no one was allowed to move unless it was to use the bathroom. I finished the work quite quickly as it wasn't that hard and looked to see only 2 minutes left, i silently packed up my stuff and got my bag ready to go, so i could be first one up to give the work in and leave. I stood up in the last minute, walking to the front of the class and handed my work over to be checked. With a smile the teacher graded it and put it in the folder, as the bell rang for class to end. I quickly thanked him and headed out of the door. I walked as fast as i could towards the entrance of the school, Knowing that Edward was behind me somewhere and i had been so relieved when i opened the door to the front of the school, and i saw my Leah leaning on the bike, with the other students that had finished earlier staring at her, they wanted to look, well then look.

Leah - I know its going to sound so cliche, but these 2 days without Bella have been boring, i mean i have been really busy with Pack stuff, i even had to do morning patrol so that i could be off the rest of the day to pick her up from school. I think the rest of the boys are getting annoyed slightly because she is always on my mind and with the pack link, they all get them. Especially for those who don't have an imprint yet. I got home from the patrol and got in the shower to wash of the mud and smell from the woods and roads on the perimeter. I spent a good hour trying to choose what to wear, as i wanted to look nice for Bella.

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