Day 27

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Something very strange is going on. Martinus yesterday told me that he wants to audition to our football club again although he didn't care at all when he was kicked out. He even suggested doing another concert next week!

I thought you woke up but when I asked him, he told me that you didn't. He just learned to move on! How? I can't believe it! I thought he'll be living in this misery forever but I guess I was wrong. I am so happy for him! I got my old brother back!

Everything has changed since he met Ana. I don't know if he told you about her. She's a little girl and they have been meeting each other these past few days. Martinus told me that she is the one who told him to move on. Weird, but good! It doesn't matter who changed him, the good thing is he's back.

Our concert was amazing! Everything went so well and our fans were so happy to see us perform.

You see Angelica, life is moving on, but I don't have a clue if it's moving to the best or worst. Something is missing in our life and we both know what it is.

It has been almost one month since you have been lying here. The percentage of you waking up is small, and even if you did, you won't be able to walk again!

All this time I kept convincing Martinus everything will be okay, but let's be real, I don't believe a word I said. We don't know what tomorrow will hold, we don't know what the future will bring. We have to wait! But waiting means dying slowly.

I miss you Angelica! I don't want to picture my life without you, best friend!

One day, just one day! And all this torture will end!


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