Day 11

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Angel there is something that I hid it from you and you need to know about it! Well I also hid it from my whole family! I have been visiting the school's psychologist. I guess because I need to tell someone about how I feel, how much i'm hurting...

She's a nice woman though. She listens to me and tries to make me feel better (even if it's not an option for me).

She told me that if I really want to help you, I should visit you at least once a week ! I don't have to talk or do anything but just be there with you! And that's good because that's what i'm doing. Well except for the visiting part because i'm visiting you every single day haha :)

I told her that I'm afraid to lose you, to stop loving you if you leave me! But she told me that you never really stop loving someone, you either never did or always will. So now I know that I'll always love you! Wait don't get me wrong! I mean I will always love you as a best friend... right?

I seriously don't know how to feel anymore. So many mixed emotions...

I need a break from the loneliness that is totally consuming me. I want to disappear! I'm scared that this is the way my life is always going to be. I'm scared that life will throw at me something I can't handle, something so hard... again! The only feeling that will be familiar in my life will be loneliness.

Why am I writing these stuffs? I should make you feel better not stressed.

I think i'll have to go to my psychologist once again.

I'm sorry


One Day... Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now