Day 8

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Sooo yesterday my mum bought for Marcus and I matching suits! But you know we don't wear matching clothes anymore. My mum said that the best thing about twins is wearing the same clothes but we hate that! Anyway we're definitely going shopping again.

You know what? I actually miss going shopping with you, even though I always complain and we end up in a fight all the time. Don't blame me but going to the Mall with girls is tough! I have to carry your clothes, wait forever for you to finish trying your clothes, tell you which nail polish goes best with your top! And I don't even know how you can tell the difference between them! Like seriously what's the difference between  "light yellow" and "light goldenrod yellow"?

Anyway today our math teacher distributed the exams we did 2 weeks ago. Guess what? We took the same and highest grade so congrats to both of us. I really need to thank you for helping me with my study because without you I wasn't be able to take this grade.

I forgot to tell you, tomorrow I can't see you! This broke my heart but I have to, i'm sorry! My mum and dad will be busy so I have to stay with Emma. You know she's to young to stay in the house by herself. And Marcus refused to babysit her because he has football practise, but he told me he'll come to see you as soon as he finishes.

So I guess see you after one day? Uhh i'll miss you more!

Praying for you to wake up til then,


One Day... Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now