Day 26

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Like it Like it, Dance with you, First kiss, make you believe in love... the crowd got crazy with every single song we have performed. This "sold-out" concert was one of the best concerts we have ever had. But it would be better if you were there by my side.

But I imagined you next Marcus and I, singing and dancing with us because you really loved to do that. You used not to miss a concert! But things don't always go as planned.

After the concert we had a meet and greet and the fans grabbed us lots of presents. One of them grabbed for us a teddy bear. It made me think of the teddy bear I gave you on your 10th birthday. It was made by me and I have to admit it was hideous haha. But you still kept it all these years. I guess it must've taken a special place in your heart like you do for me!

And guess who was there too? Ana! I saw her in the middle of the crowd! She waved at me so I waved back. I think she was so happy because I performed again! And it's all thanks to  her! In the meet and greet she was there to cheer me up. She waved at Marcus too but he didn't wave back or do something. Weird! But i'm pretty sure Marcus was just busy with the fans that's why he didn't notice her.

Angel, today I felt that there is still a bit of light in this dark mean world. Music gave me the power, the strength!

Angel, today I felt that life is worth the fight. That I must live and enjoy every single moment with all of the things life throws at me.

I'm going to audition to the football club again and show them that the old Martinus is back!

But remember, I will never ever stop thinking about you. I will continue to visit you everyday and pray for you to wake up!

I learned how to move on Angel. It was a hard decision but a right one.

I guess life has to continue! But hopefully it'll continue with you by my side!

Please make me the happiest person on earth and wake up!

I will always be waiting for you!


So I just want to say that I have already decided how the ending will be. Do u think it's a happy or sad ending? If you know me then you'll say a sad ending because I LOVE sad stories more than the happy ones. But will I change this personal preference in this book?

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