Chapter 11

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Violence /'vʌɪəl(ə)ns/ behaviour involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.

It was Thursday and I had just got home from uni. It was a hot day in New York which was unusual for September but I was thankful for it nonetheless. After I put my bag and shoes away I made my way to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of fresh, cold ice tea that I had made that morning. It reminded me of the summer back in England, I miss my family a lot. I sighed and put the glass back down on the counter. I walked over to the large pen I had bought for my kitten while I was at work or at school and lifted him out. I decided on naming him Sox, it was a simple name and I thought it suited him a lot. My Nonna had helped me chose the name when I skyped her Monday afternoon after I got home. I put some fresh food and water out for Sox and sat on the couch looking through my messages and notifications. I ignored most of them, they were mainly just game invites and instagram notifications, until I had gotten to one that caught my eye. It was a text, from Calum. I hadn't spoken to him since Monday and even that was just a quick hello. I hadn't spoken to Luke since the weekend either, he didn't even pay attention to me. I swiped the display name 'Cal' across my screen to open up the text.

Hi meels x what are you doing tomorrow babe?

For some reason his use of the word 'babe' made my stomach churn, I shrugged it off and began writing a reply.

Heyya cal, probably just some revision, whats up?

I was confused as to why he had texted me, I thought his group had all forgotten about me, that or they didn't like me. I scrolled through my instagram feed while I waited for a reply. I loved instagram but I need to follow some different people, my feed was just full of beautiful girls with perfect bodies and thousands of likes on all of their pictures, I have always had a low self esteem and following stunning girls doesn't really help my confidence. About a minute after I sent the text I got a reply, I wasn't the kind of girl to play hard to get or act as though I was busy so I clicked the notification as soon as it slid across the top of my screen.

There's a little get together at the frat house, it won't be like last time, it's not a party just a few friends, I asked ash and he said he would love for you to come, what do you think? Xx

Do I really want to go? It didn't turn out too well last time, but I could do with getting out of the house more and I guess I do miss talking to Calum as much as I hate to admit it. It would be nice to interact with people other than Jonah and even he seems to be taking less interest in my lately.

As long as there's not a lot of people? I have no way to get there tho :/// x

I go to the kitchen and finish off my ice tea and wash the pots while I wait for a reply. When I get back to the living room I turn on my speakers and put my mayday parade mix tape on. I sit back down where I had sat previously only this time I had a small kitten pawing at my leg, I picked him up and he jumped around on the large couch playing with a piece of cotton. I giggled lightly and picked my phone up off of the coffee table. I looked at my lock screen to see two new texts, both from Calum.

I can take you :) xxx

I asked luke and he said hes coming so he will be driving but if you come to my dorm room at around 8pm then you can catch a ride with me x

I twiddled my thumbs around above the screen thinking of what to write back. Wouldn't it be awkward if I attended the party with Calum after spending some of the weekend with Luke? But he is the one who has been ignoring me all week and has put no effort into speaking to me whatsoever. When I make up my mind I text Calum back with a small smirk on my face knowing what I was doing was wrong but my thumbs where typing too fast to stop them and I had already made up my mind.

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