Chapter 2

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Define beauty; /'bju:ti/ a combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.

It was 9:30am on a Friday and I was making my way down to the cafe at the university to meet Jonah, I had only met him around 7/8 times but he is my only real friend here, as I am his. My first class was at 10am so I had enough time to buy a cup of tea and walk around the campus for a while.

"Guess who?" I Heard a strong American accent whisper in my ear as they put their hands over my eyes from behind me.

"Hmm... well let me think, who do I know with a Californian accent?" I said sarcastically.

"Ok you got me" Jonah smiled spinning me around to face him. He was dressed in a plain grey top, skinny dark blue jeans and his thick frame glasses. His brown hair was styled in a quiff as usual and he was wearing the same white converse as he wears everyday.

"Jonah, you should know by now that I am an extremely socially awkward person and you're the only friend i have, nobody else is going to come and speak to me." I chuckled.

"I don't think you're socially awkward. I think you're just a loser so no one likes to talk to you incase you ruin their rep. I just feel sorry for you really." he said with a serious look on his face and then burst out laughing. Why do I even talk to this guy?


It was dinner and Jonah and I were making our way to the courtyard, We had a pretty big courtyard at our university, it was basically just a large field with paths leading around to get to the building without having to walk over the grass, it had a few trees scattered around here and there and of course the food stands. Because the courtyard was so big Jonah and I would spend most of our time just walking around to see if anything interesting happens, although nothing ever really happens around here. We were walking past the hotdog stand, which I visited every day because I loved their curly fries that much, when we saw a group of people in a circle shouting and chanting. Being the nosy people that we are, we made our way over to the center of the circle to see what was going on. To my surprise it was Calum, the guy from the diner, fighting with another guy who I couldn't quite make out. The fight was getting out of hand and I was wondering why none of their friends had tried to pull them apart when out of nowhere a member of security who worked at the university came over to split the two boys up. As they were getting separated I got a good view of the other person who participated in the fight. I was shocked at how attractive he was. His sandy blonde hair sat in a messy quiff on top of his head; it surprised me that although he had just been in a fight his hair still looked that perfect. It looked like he had blue or green eyes but it was hard to see as I was standing a few meters away from him. He was pretty tall and dressed in all black apart from the burgundy snapback, which he had just picked up off the ground beside him and placed backwards on his head, and his dark red flannel tied around his waist hanging loosely, which I found strangely appealing, and I wasn't sure but it looked as though he had his lip and eyebrow pierced but I could be mistaken. His lip looked slightly swollen and there was blood dripping from his nose, obviously caused by Calum. I didn't even get to see what happened to Calum; he stormed off as soon as the security came.


That evening I was walking back home from uni down a large path between two rows of trees, it was already dark by this time and to be honest I was feeling a little on edge. I was kicking around a small pebble out of boredom when I began to hear footsteps behind me, usually this wouldn't bother me but it was late as I stayed behind in the library with Jonah until 10pm, he offered to walk me home but I assured him I'd be fine. I was starting to wish that I would have taken him up on the offer.

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