Chapter 7

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Embarrassment /ɪmˈbarəsmənt,ɛm-/ a feeling of self-consciousness, shame, or awkwardness

I woke up to the sound of a loud smash which sounded like it was coming from the kitchen, followed by a loud "fuck!" which I guessed was coming from Jonah; he was probably getting himself breakfast he never woke me up because he knew how cranky I was in mornings.

I picked up my phone to check the time and let out a loud sigh when I saw that it was only 9:42am and I wasn't going to be getting back to sleep anytime soon. I made my way into my on suite to brush my hair, take a couple of tablets to try and get rid of the pounding in my head and wash my face to look at least half presentable even if it was only for Jonah. I put on some pink fluffy bed socks and dragged my feet across the cold oak wood flooring out of my bedroom and made my way to the kitchen.

I was surprised when I didn't see anyone in there as I was expecting to see Jonah but as soon as I was about to call out to him a tall blonde haired boy stood up from behind my counter with his back facing me. He turned around holding a dust pan and brush filled of small shiny pieces of glass which explained what the noise which caused me to wake up came from but I was still confused as to why Luke Hemmings was in my kitchen.

"Where's your bin?" He asked me casually as though all of this was normal to him.

"What the fuck are you doing in my kitchen? How did you even get in here?" I asked in a harsher tone than I had expected but it was his own fault for rudely awakening me anyway, I was not a morning person, especially when I had spent the previous night at a party consuming my body weight in alcohol.

"Good morning to you too" He snorted looking around trying to find the bin. I watched as his eyes landed on the bin in the corner of my kitchen and he walked over putting the remaining's of the glass in there being careful not to drop any on the floor. "I came about half an hour ago and I was banging on the door, your friend let me in then went back to sleep" He said to me going back to the cooker resuming his cooking, pointing behind him with his spatula to the couch to prove his point about Jonah sleeping there. At least someone can sleep through all this noise.

"What are you even doing?" I asked curiously, making my way around the counter to see for myself.

"Well I was making you breakfast in bed but you're not even in bed now so you've ruined everything for fuck sake, can't you do anything right?" He hissed at me angrily flipping the pancake in its pan.

"Well I'm sorry Lucas but it's not my fault that somebody came in my house un-announced, rudely interrupting my sleep by smashing one of my glasses!" I said back with a stern tone. Luke ignored me yet again, I could see his jaw clenching and as annoying and stubborn as he was being I couldn't deny how much more attractive it made him look.

"You do realise pancakes aren't supposed to have black patches right?" I giggled at Lukes bad cooking skills. He just flipped the pancake again, giving me the silent treatment.

"Luke you've burnt the pancake-" I began but was cut off my Luke slamming the pan onto the top of the stove. He let go of the pan and put his hands into the pockets of his black 'vans' jumper. He looked hot in black. He stood there for a while furrowing his eyebrows together whilst playing with his lip ring, I didn't want to interrupt him because he looked deep into thought, I had a proper look at his outfit for the first time though. He was wearing his burgundy snapback placed backwards on his hair with his blonde hair flicking out of the sides, his black jumper was hanging loosely over his body and he was wearing his usual black skinny jeans and plain black vans. I was pulled out of my thought when I heard Luke clear his throat, he looked as though he was staring straight through me, like he knew my every thought at that moment and for some reason it made me nervous.

"Do you like Calum?" He asked in a low quiet voice as though he didn't want someone to hear even though we were the only people awake in my apartment.

"Yeah, he's ok I guess" I answered confused as to where this conversation was going.

"No I mean do you like Calum?" He asked me again this time putting more empathy into the word 'like' and I realised what he meant.

"I've only met the boy twice and the second time I was drunk so I would have to say no. Why?" I asked him cautiously not wanting to anger him, everything I said seemed to anger the boy.

"It doesn't matter, I have to go" he looked away not sounding convinced. He picked up his car keys off of the coffee table next to the coach in which Jonah was still sleeping on, snoring loudly. I grabbed onto Lukes shoulder before he got to the door.

"What?" he sighed, not even bothering to turn around.

"Nothing it doesn't matter" I replied sighing back in response letting my hand fall from his shoulder. He got in front of the door and froze for a few moment turning his head to the side as if he was going to say something but he opened the door walked out and shut it behind him without another word. Well that was odd.


It was now just past 2pm and all I had done all day is clean my house, wash clothes, drive Jonah home and when I got back I decided I would do some online shopping. I was $140 into my shopping spree for food, clothes and other random things which I would probably never use when I came across an acoustic guitar. I hadn't played since I was 12 although I really enjoyed playing when I was younger, I could not remember how to play now at all. It was a beautiful guitar though and it was on sale at only $73 so I added it to my basket. I decided it would be a good idea to stop shopping now and order all of my items.


As I got out of the shower with my towel wrapped loosely around my body I heard my doorbell ring, I was going to get changed then go and answer it but whoever it was would not stop pressing the button so I threw on my baggiest top which fell just above my knees and put my towel around my shoulders in case anything became visible through the damp fabric of my grey top. I threw on some underwear and ran to the door shouting that I was coming as I was on my way. I opened the door to reveal two tall figures, both smirking down at me. Luke and Michael.

"Can we come in?" Luke asked, a small smile playing on his lips as his eyes seemed to trace every inch of my body. A blush crept onto my face when I remembered what I was wearing, I stepped aside letting the two of them in shutting the door after them.

"You can go get changed into something, we will wait here" Luke called out to me making himself comfy in my living room, Michael joining him shortly after.

I jogged towards my bedroom sliding into my door from the wetness of my feet, I slipped onto the ground and tried to stay as quite as I could hoping that nobody had heard me but I was proved wrong when Michaels head popped around the corner letting out a huge laugh along with Luke. I stumbled back to my door and into my bedroom feeling humiliated.

I was trying to find something decent to wear when I remembered I did all of my washing so I had to settle with my plain white muscle tee and a pair of black shorts I used for jogging. I tied my wavy damp hair into a bobble and added a small amount of makeup preparing myself to walk back out to them. I couldn't embarrass myself any more than I already had so what did I have to lose?

This is just abit of a filler really, more interesting things will happen soon i promisse :) thankyou so much for 1.5k guys ily !!!!

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