chapter 9

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Butterflies /bʌtəflʌɪ/ Butterflies in the stomach is the physical sensation in humans of a "fluttery" feeling in the stomach usually caused by nerves and/or if the human interacts with someone they find attractive.

It was 4pm on a Friday and I had just finished my day of exams ready for the two month holiday ahead. I was relieved to not have to go to university every day and be surrounded by people I didn't particularly like, however I still had work and I only had one friend to do things with and he has been busy a lot recently. Unless you count Luke and Calum as 'friends' but even then they would be too busy, going to parties, going clubbing, doing other illegal things that I didn't want to take part in, to hang around with me. Not that they would actually want too, I'm sure they have lots of friends other than me.

My plan for the day was to go home, take a shower, call my family to check up on things back home and then go shopping. I stood outside my apartment fishing around my bag for my keys until I finally found them in the bottom, underneath all of my papers and wrappers and I opened my bright red door to my home whilst making a mental note to clean out my bag and possibly get a new one.

It was always cold in my apartment so when I first moved in I had decided to invest in three small heaters, one for my bedroom, one for my dining room and one for my living room. As soon as I got in I turned each one of them on just like I would any other day, making sure they were in an open space, I know it is uncommon to start a fire with these but I liked to be on the safe side.

I had just got off of the phone with my mother after speaking to her, my father and my brother for an hour, I felt it was important to keep in touch with my family, even if it was just the occasional message or a phone call twice a week to check up on things and make sure everyone is ok. I wasn't sure what I was going to be shopping for but I did know I would be gone for a couple hours so I waited for my phone to get full battery, turned off my heaters, grabbed my purse and made my way to the nearest tram station, which was luckily only around 7 minutes away tops.

I was wearing a pretty simple outfit, a black tonight alive hoodie, black skinny jeans, some frilly white ankle socks and my black vans. I was glad I chose to wear a jumper today because although there was no wind, the clouds where shadowing the sun and it was slightly colder than I would have liked, however I wished I had worn my hair down instead of the bun I had it in at the moment because although you see girls on tumblr in baggy jumpers and messy buns and still look flawless, I am not one of those girls and I am certainly not flawless.

I was about an hour into my shopping after buying, a black nail polish, a new phone case which was just a plain black iPhone case and a few things from Victoria's secret, when I was absentmindedly going in and out of shops and I found myself outside a rather smallish pet store. I had been wanting to get a pet for my apartment to keep me company for a while and due to my lack of friends I would always be home to look after it so I thought I would have a quick look around. I started off in the small rodents section but then I realised you couldn't really do much with hamsters, rats, gerbils etc, so I decided to look in the far corner of the shop where I could hear a quiet yapping sound. When I finally got to the corner of the shop I saw five different pens; two with cats and three with dogs. I was going to go over to the dogs when I realised it would not be fair to leave it alone in my apartment while I was at uni and work, however cats are much more independent and would only need constant attention for the first few months of their lives and with me having 2 months off of school and only working a couple of hours three times a week I didn't see what could go wrong. I stood over the two pens which each held two different litters of kittens, the left where Persian and the right seemed to be mixed.

"How could I help you dear?" A middle aged woman, wearing a uniform asked from beside me.

"Well I just moved into my apartment not so long ago and I was looking for a pet and a cat seemed perfect" I replied to the ginger haired woman, trying to contain my excitement. The older women who's name tag read 'Jen' opened up the pen and picked up one of the kittens.

"Well this litter are all 3 months old so they are ready to take home now if you would like one" she said to me with a questioning smile which I nodded back to with a huge grin on my face. "Ok well I will let you pick which one you would like, i'll be right behind you if you need me".

All of the cats looked similar, white with brown and black spots and green or blue eyes except one in the corner, it was all white with just one brown spot on the side of its stomach, it was the only one who wasn't playing or sleeping, It just sat not doing anything and I was about to pick it up when it stood up and I noticed it only had its two back legs and its right front one, I started to walk towards a bowl of milk and I was impressed at how well it could walk and balance.

"What happened to this one?" I questioned the woman who was still holding one of the kittens, brushing its fur.

"Oh that's who we call lucky, he was born like it, nobody seems to pay attention to him because of it bless him." She sighed looking down at 'lucky' who was walking around happily, not seeming fazed by the fact that he was missing a leg.

"Could I hold him?" I asked the women nervously, and she nodded smiling at me with caring eyes. I slowly reached into the pen picking up the kitten, he meowed at me quietly, showing off his small white teeth. As I looked at him I noticed he had bright blue eyes. He began to nuzzle his head into my chest and at that moment I decided I wasn't leaving the store without him. I liked that he was different and independent to his brothers and sisters, he reminded me a lot of myself.

After filling in some forms and paying for my new friend I got outside the shop and realised it was already 8 and I couldn't get a tram home with all of my bags and the pet carrier that the woman from the shop was kind enough to let me have for free. After minutes of panic, not knowing what to do I was about to call for a taxi when Lukes name lit up on my phone, I slid my finger across the screen to open up the text

Heyya Lia :-) I was wondering if you wanted to come to a party at ashtons with me tonight, this time I will stay with you I promise

I smiled down at my phone, butterflies erupting in my stomach, happy at the fact that he actually wanted to see me even if he already had other people to be with. Letting out a sigh I text him back

Hii Lucas, thanks for the offer but I am currently stuck outside a pet shop in the town centre with no way to get home and I have something's to do so I won't be able to make it, maybe some other time? X

And just after I hit send it began to rain, great.

After a call from Luke and him persuading me to let him pick me up, under the one condition that he can come to my apartment afterwards, I finally agreed and made my way to the car park where I told him I would meet him  all though he insisted on picking me up outside the shop.

Even though my hood was up the rain was still splashing onto my face and seeping through my thick sweater onto my bare skin underneath. I tried my best to run to the car park so I could get the kitten into a warm, dry car as soon as possible. The minute I stepped foot onto the parking lot I saw Luke drive towards me. He stopped the car in front of me and the minute I saw him, the butterflies where back.

He took all of my bags, including the pet carrier, off of me and opened to door for me to get in, I said a quick thank you and got into the passenger side being greeted by the heated seats. I pulled down my hood and wiped away any eye makeup, which the rain had smudged under my eyes, with my sleeves. I heard the boot slam shut and shuffled around in my seat getting comfortable. Luke opened the back door and placed the pet carrier on the seat. When Luke got into his seat and turned to me I noticed he was cuddling something up to his chest.

"You need to keep it warm" he said, awkwardly passing him over to me and I couldn't help but notice how cute he looked holding him, because although he has piercings, tattoos and wears intimidating clothes, he could still be caring and sensitive if he wanted to.

shitty chapter, i know and im sorry but it was this or nothing. thanks for all the comments, votesand inboxes it means a lot to me and it gives me the motivation to write :-) feel free to share this on tumblr and twitter, if you want to follow me just look in my bio, al my links are there, love you

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