Chapter 5

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Define Drunk /drʌŋk/ affected by alcohol to the extent of losing control of one's faculties or behaviour.

I was making my way back over to where I was stood before when I saw Luke and the brunette talking to Calum, I was going to turn back but Calum saw me and called me over to him, I took in a deep breath and made my way over to them trying to look more confident than I actually felt.

"Hey babe, I was just telling Alison and Luke about our game of beer pong and they suggested we all have a game together, what do you think?" Calum said to me placing his hand on my lower back, the alcohol evident on his breath.

"I've gotten a little bored of that game to be honest and I'd rather not, I don't even know these people" I said stubbornly glancing at Luke as I said so, he was staring blankly into my eyes making me feel a little uncomfortable and hurt but I tried not to show it. The alcohol I had consumed seemed to be getting rid of my nerves; I took another drink of the strong liquid in my cup burning my throat once again.

"Well what better way to get to know each other than a game of truth or dare?" Luke smirked at me. It was at that moment, that I knew this game would not turn out well.

"TRUTH OR DARE" Lukes shouted over the music for anyone who wanted to join. I sat beside Calum, not by choice; he had literally dragged me to sit next to him. Although it's not like I had any other friends to sit with anyway. There were around 20 people all sat in a circle, the only people I recognised were Ashton, Alison, Luke and Calum. I had been at this party for hours and I still hadn't seen Jonah anywhere. I really hope he's ok.

"Amelia pass me your bottle" Luke demanded from the opposite side of the circle, his voice held no emotion what so ever, he was acting completely different tonight and it was starting to piss me off. I reached over the circle and handed him my empty bottle, as my fingers brushed against his. His hands were so soft. I looked up into his eyes, only to see him looking back. I realized I still hadn't let go of the bottle so I let go quickly, embarrassed at what just happened.

"Alright, who wants to go first?" Luke asked casually. He obviously didn't feel what I felt.

Nobody said anything so Luke decided he would be first to spin the bottle. The bottle landed on a boy called Oliver and Luke dared him to do a shot. The game continued like this for another half hour and around 15 people had left the circle leaving just 7 of us left. By now everyone had had a truth/dare but me, I had just been sat watching drinking my cherry vodka which a random guy handed me, I usually wouldn't accept drinks from strangers but he was a friend of Calums and I had a lot to drink so I wasn't really thinking straight.

I took a sip of my drink, which wasn't as bad as the first time I tried it, and when I looked up I noticed the bottle had landed on me. I looked around and everyone's eyes were on me, this would usually make me feel insecure and uncomfortable but thanks to the drink I didn't mind that much.

"Truth or dare?" Luke asked me, a small smile playing on his soft pink lips.

"Truth" I answered gaining a groan from everyone in the circle, I looked around noticing some of the people were half naked, I'm guessing that it was from the dares but I didn't really pay much attention.

"Come on princess, don't be such a prude" Luke sniggered. He was acting like a complete person, I wasn't sure why but I did know he was starting to get on my last nerve.

"Fine, dare" I exclaimed with a serious look on my face, Luke looked a little taken back by my change of answer. I wasn't sure why though; he wanted me to do a dare anyway. After a few seconds of silence Ashton spoke up.

"I dare you to kiss Calum" Ashton said with a huge smile on his face "tongue included" he added looking proud of himself also gaining a death glare from Luke. What was his problem? I had only just realized what Ashton said to me when I felt Calums arm move from around my waste, where it had been throughout the game, to my face, gently stroking my cheek. I turned to face him fully, he was attractive and there was no doubt about it but he was a dick. He was leaning in closer and closer until I could feel his hot breath on my face. I brought my trembling hand up to the back of his neck. Why was I trembling? Id kissed boys before. Never for a dare though, I guessed I also felt uncomfortable with all the people from the circle watching us, judging our every move. His eyes began to close and that was when I crashed my lips onto his. He was a surprisingly good kisser. He wrapped an arm around my waste, pulling me closer to him. He tangled his other hand into my hair, pulling gently at the roots. I let his tongue explore my mouth as I did the same to him; I heard someone storm away but ignored it, continuing the kiss. But when I heard a girl shout Luke telling him to come back I pulled away from Calum without hesitation only to see Luke walking next to us towards the kitchen.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked to no one in particular as i patted down my dress and ran my fingers through my hair which had probably gone messy from Calums long fingers tugging on it only seconds before.

"I don't know but he looked pretty pissed off, you're best off leaving him when he's in a mood" Ashton replied to me giggling slightly.

Is there anything he didn't find funny? I thought to myself.

I excused myself saying I was going to the bathroom and had a look around to see if I could see Jonah anywhere, it was now 2am and I wanted to set off home soon, I had work tomorrow at 1pm so it probably wasn't a good idea to come to this party in the first place. I was about to give up looking for my friend and designated driver when I bumped into someone.

I turned around to say sorry when I noticed who it was. Michael.

"Watch where you're going" he spat at me, clearly not in a good mood, why was everyone being so miserable today?

"How about you watch where you're going?" I asked back in the same tone.

"Feisty" he winked at me "I've just seen Luke by the way, he's pretty pissed off with you" Michael stated taking a drink from his red plastic cup.

"But I've done nothing wrong" I said in a questioning tone, wondering why I had been blamed for Lukes bad temper.

"That's not what he said. It wasn't too clear what he said, he was trying to hurry somewhere by the looks of it but I'm pretty sure he said something about you and Calum making out" He smirked at me and the fact that me and Calum kissed.

"It was a dare. And why would he care anyway, he had been with that girl all night and completely ignoring me!" I yelled, the alcohol was starting to wear off however I could still feel the numbness in my lips and fingers which I seemed to feel every time I consumed too much alcohol.

"Ok calm down grumpy, I think I saw him leave through the front door If you wanted to know" Michael told me nonchalantly, his eyes staring at someone behind me.

"Ok thanks I guess, tell Ashton I said bye and thanks for the party." I said to Michael although I was almost positive he wouldn't.

"Yeah, ok, whatever" Michael mumbled to me, brushing passed me to go to the person he had been staring at previously. I turned around to see none other than the clingy brunette I had seen with Luke earlier last night, Alison. She was even dressed like a slut. I started making my way outside, grabbing my jacket from the closet where I had left it. I took a step outside being greeted by the cold morning air sending a shiver down my spine. I saw Luke sat at the corner of the porch, his legs dangling off the edge, with what looked like a cigarette, resting in his hand.

If you havent watched the trailer @kissingxhemmo made for my story you should. The link is in my bio for anyone who wants to watch it :)

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