Chapter 13

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ɪɡzɪləˈreɪʃ(ə)n,ɛɡ-/ A feeling of excitement, happiness, or elation.

It was Friday and I had just got home from uni after the last day for our month break. I hadn't got much planned to do because I decided i needed to make sure I had time to study and of course I also had work still and I didn't want to leave Sox home alone for longer than need be.

I was in the middle of baking a batch of vegan peanut butter cookies when I heard a knock at my door.

"Just a minute!" I called as I put cling film over the bowl of cookie dough and washed my hands.

It wasn't often that I got guests without them calling or texting to let me know first so I wasn't sure who to expect. I walked over to the door, being followed by a small Sox slipping across the wooden floor.

"Hello?" I said in a confused voice as I was opening the door.

"Lia" The tall Australian boy smiled down at me.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned beginning to get flustered at the attractive male standing before me looking down at me in my sweat pants and apron.

"I was bored and we haven't hung around in a while so i thought we could hang out" He squeezed past me and let himself into my apartment.

"Luke I wasn't expecting anyone, I'm sorry about the mess I'm just in the middle of some baking" I said feeling rather embarrassed now realizing the kitchen was cluttered with bowls, ingredients and kitchen utensils. I was expecting him to comment on the mess however he just threw himself onto the couch and watched me while fiddling with his lip ring.

"Right well if you don't mind I'm just going to finish these I will be 5 minutes and then I'm all yours" I said to him as I walked towards the kitchen to resume my baking.

After sitting down watching me intently for around 2 minutes, thinking that I hadn't noticed, Luke began to make his way over to me.

"What are you baking?" he asked standing behind me putting a hand on each side of my waist. "It smells delicious" his voice was low and quiet as he dipped his head closer to my ear sending a shiver down my spine.

"Peanut butter cookies.. I'm done now I'm just putting them on the tray to put them in the oven" I rushed out, although I'm sure he wasn't interested, I just needed to distract myself from the hot boy standing behind me. He giggled knowing he had been successful in getting me flustered.

Luke decided he would try help me put the cookie dough onto the trays after watching intently as I did the first batch. I watched as he took off his ring being careful not to get dough on it and then as he rolled the mixture between his large hands and then flattened it onto the tray, making sure that each one was around the same size. He chewed his lip ring and furrowed his eyebrows as he was concentrating on getting them equal, making me giggle quietly.

"What are you laughing at?" He asked not taking his eyes off of the dough in front of him.

"Nothing" I smugly replied picking up the last piece of dough and rolling it between my hands.

"Hey I wanted to do the last one" He pouted at me when he realized I had taken the last of the mixture.

"You snooze you lose" I smiled cockily at him. He looked down at me a small smile playing on his lips as if he was planning something. Before I knew it I was being lifted in the air with Lukes arms wrapped around my waist as he shuck me side to side. My laugh echoed through the whole of the room and I tried my hardest to silence it but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2016 ⏰

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