Chapter 1

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Define Pig; /pIg/ a greedy, dirty, or unpleasant person.

"Fuck ,Fuck, Fuck" I muttered to myself walking towards the small white building in which I worked. It was only Thursday and this is the second time id been late for work this week. I had only started my job two weeks ago, it was close to the apartment I recently bought  that happens to be next to the university I started at the beginning of this week. Maybe if I had the money to buy a car, I would actually be on time for once in my life. I was almost at the doors to the retro American themed diner when I heard a car pull up behind me dragging me out of my thoughts. I turned around as 2 boys stepped out of a large, black, expensive looking, land rover. I wouldn't even have enough money to touch that thing with my tight budget. I sighed turning back around walking through the large red double doors, the warm air-conditioning welcoming me as i stepped in.

The diner isn't usually too busy at this time of day, it's close to the university so most of our customers are between the ages of 18 - 25, so they are more than likely still in bed at 8am. The two boys from the car outside were sat at the table by the window waiting to be served. I was planning on waiting for someone else to go over and serve them but it didn't look like anyone was making a move any time soon. With a sigh I slowly walked to the two boys at the table. The reason I didnt particulaly want to serve the two boys is that they seemed like the stereotypical 'bad boys' that you would see in a movie, however I didn't personally know them I had only seen them around the university a few times and I'm not one to judge a book by its cover so I put on a smile and made my way over to their table.

"Its about fucking time." The purple haired boy mumbled to himself when I arrived at the large table the two boys had decided to choose although there was pleanty of two seater tables available.

The brown haired boy chuckled but nudged his friend with his arm, as if telling him to knock it off but the boy didn't take any notice.

"Sorry about my friend, he gets grumpy in mornings, especially when he hasn't eaten." He chuckled showing his perfectly straight white teeth, gaining an eye roll from his friend. Both of the boys where actually kind of attractive. The boy who seemed to be the politest of the two had brown hair and a black lip ring in the left side of his bottom lip, he had a few tattoos up his arms and his hair was styled in what I could only describe as a mess, however it was more of a styled mess. What stood out to me the most was his tanned skin and his chocolate brown eyes. The other guy looked kind of the opposite with his purple and black messy hair -which looked as though it had been died too many times due to the fact that it was so thin you could see his scalp-. He had pale skin, much like me, and was wearing dark eye makeup which looked like eyeliner but I wasn't sure, it was hard to see properly across the large table. The only tattoos I could see was the two on his fingers which I couldn't make out. His eyes where dark green and looked red from lack of sleep or drugs, most probably the latter.

"We'll just have two original breakfasts, one with orange juice and one with a beer, thanks babe." The brown haired boy winked at me. I rolled my eyes in response and started making my way over to the counter to give the cooks the piece of paper which i wrote the boys meals on.

As I was walking to the counter I heard the grumpy boy call out to me yelling

"Hey lady, my friend Calum here wants to know if you're a good shag" He laughed along with his friend, Calum.

I scoffed at them and gave them the middle finger and got on with my day at work.

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