[7.]* <3

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"I think you're so one in a million.", Jung Kook mentioned as we were having breakfast.

"Oh, why's that?", I chuckled.

"BECAUSE I ASKED HEY HOW DO YOU WANT YOUR EGGS AND YOU FUCKING SAID FERTILISED!", his voice rose. I pursued my lips from laughing any louder.

"Sorry, I make dirty jokes.", I chuckled. "I want scrambled eggs thanks, Jay Jay.", I smiled. He sighed and shook his head in annoyance.

I walked up to him as he was still cooking the eggs. I rested my chin on his shoulder from behind.

"Idiot, you pig, I told you scrambled not omelette.", I mentioned. "Shut up, this is mine.", he replied.

"Okay.", I went back to play with Tulip.

"How you think bout' that?", he mentioned. "Oh come on don't turn our conversation to Mic Drop.", I threw my slipper at him.

"Okay, so are we going to the zoo today?", he questioned. "Yeah.", I nodded.

We then went to the zoo and we had a fun time.

"Look! My favourite, a dingo!", I pointed at a dingo and took a picture. I saw Jung Kook's smile from the corner of my eye. He walked up closer to me and rested his head on my head.

"Thanks for being tall.", he chuckled. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him. "Because, if you were short, I can't use you as a head rest.", he cheekily smiled.

I pushed his head up with my hand and pushed it away from me. "I'm not your head rest you pig.", I mentioned. "Alley rat, I know you want me to touch you.", he grinned. I slapped his face playfully.

He then held my hand and grabbed me to see the koalas. I giggled as I saw one nearby.

"It reminds me of Ji Min..", I covered my mouth.

"Hey, focus on me today.", Jung Kook turned my body to face his. I was blinking rapidly at that statement but his face was serious.

"H-Huh?", I stuttered confusingly. "Don't think of Ji Min or others. Just me.", he deeply stared into me.

"O-Okay..", I stuttered again and his grip softened. I averted my eyes away in confusion. The rest of the trip was awkward eye contacts and smiles.

"Would you mind taking Tulip for a walk?", dad mentioned. I said yes and exit the house, Jung Kook was too busy with vlive.

I was walking happily with Tulip on the leash. I walked along the neighbourhood as I missed it. I was born in Australia but I had to move when I was 10.

"Eva?", a voice appeared. I turned my head around. "Rosie?", I gasped. She nodded, "It's me.".

We both went in a hug, she was my best friend. We then walked back to my house and she completely stood there, frozen, as her eyes were on Jung Kook.

"What? Do you know BTS?", I asked her. "What's BTS?", she replied. "Never mind then.", I chuckled.

"Who's that guy?", she pointed at Jung Kook, he was too busy cooking something. "Ah, just a friend, why?", I responded.

"So, you guys are not dating or anything?", she grinned. I shook a no. "I can't even picture us dating.", I added.

She then walked up to Jung Kook and touched his biceps, in a desperate yet sexy way. I took a step back in shock as how touchy she was.

"Um.. excuse me?", he spoke in English. "Hey, I'm Rosie, what's your name?", she licked her lips as she pulled her face closer to his. I twitched in disgust, she has changed. A lot.

I MARRIED A FAN? [J.JK] BOOK1 /EDITING/Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin