The Rescue Party

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Purply black scythe met silvery blue sword.

And it was safe to say the result wasn't good.

Lukaris was faster, and far more cunning than the white-haired woman – a fact she realised in an instant.

He was just humouring her.

Playing with her.

And she knew it.

That was why she skidded back, one arm locking around Juniper's waist, pulling her back with her. "There's another exit." She hissed in her ear. "It's a bit more dangerous, but we'll be OK."


"You ready?"


A wall of purple flames erupted between them and the Devil, a hand locking around her own, yanking her in the other direction.

It was a futile struggle, though.

They were in Hell - Lukaris's home turf, so he had the home field advantage.

Not that he needed it.

He was a God after all, and the two of them were just two immortal werewolves in way over their heads.

The Fourth Horseman had known there was a gap between their abilities when she'd come down to rescue Juniper... but she hadn't thought it'd be this big. She thought she'd at least be able to distract him.

But reality was cruel.

"You didn't think it'd be that easy, did you?" Lukaris was in front of them in a second. "Silly little Horseman... at the rate this is going, I might as well start a collection. I could bring Lyra and that other guy down, and then I'd have the full set."

"Go." Juniper moved in between them. "I'm the one he wants."

"Actually, I'd prefer to nab both of you, so you can't ride with the others..." He tilted his head. "But I suppose the Second Horseman is slightly higher on my priority list... after all, if she manages to ride, then the Seven Signs will come next... and we all know who'll be released if all Seven Trumpets are sounded."

"That's why you need to go back to the mortal world..." The Fourth said, grabbing her shoulder. "The world needs to start anew."

"I'm curious, though." Lukaris examined Juniper from head to toe. "How did he manage to get his blood into you...?" He froze, and that was when Juniper made her move, slamming her fist into his face, watching as the Fourth Horseman sprinted past him, her purple eyes meeting Juniper's blue ones.

"Go!" Juniper yelled, trying to run after her, only to be thrown back across the room.

"Unless..." Lukaris stared intently at Juniper, completely ignoring the Fourth Horseman who was still running. "You're King Justin's daughter, aren't you?"

"You're only just realising this?" She glanced at him. "Aren't you supposed to be a God?"

"I thought we checked you for the purple magic at birth..." He strode towards her. "But it seems it was hiding inside you... I really should've kept an eye on your family... just like we've been keeping an eye on Albion's twin..."

"So my parents did have another child..."

"Yep." He sighed, glancing over in the direction the Fourth Horseman had fled, glancing at all the dark angels scattered around the hall. "Capture them both." Lukaris ordered, folding his arms. "You can't kill them, so don't even try. They've got his protection."

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