Unbottled Feelings

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"Black..." Juniper stared at him as she lay trapped in a cage of his arms, her dark blue eyes locked on his deep brown ones. "What are you doing?"

That was when Black realised one naughty hand had ended up down her pants.


"Bloody hell!" He fell out of bed, wincing as his head smashed into the floor. "Owww."

"I wasn't complaining or anything..." Juniper sat up, staring down at her slightly flustered mate. "But it'd be nice to have a little warning next time."

He sat bolt upright. "So would you be opposed to me putting both hands down there next time?"

"I suppose that'll depend on how I'm feeling at that moment in time..." She purred, somehow finding her way into his lap. "So you'd best be nice to me today."

"Oh, trust me." His eyes were smouldering. "I will."

"OK, darling." She patted his face. "So go and grab me some breakfast, would you?"

"I'll carry you down there, but that's the best you're getting." He said, hefting her onto his back. "I'm not your slave. I'm your mate."


Black sniggered. "Oh, Pookie Bear... I really do love you..."

"I love you too." Juniper mumbled, staring around the corridor, appreciating the view from Black's back.

"Someone's getting treated this morning..." Alpha Blaze appeared next to them. "What brought this on? Are her thighs aching from last night or something?"

"Today, no." Black said, a wild grin on his face. "Tomorrow, however..."

The other blonde clapped him on the back. "I've said this before, but I'll say it again." Green eyes sparkled with mischief. "Good luck."

"You do know I'm right here, don't you?"

"Yep." Blaze said, just as they arrived in the kitchen. Green eyes widened at the sight of Alpha King Rylan behind the hob, frying pan in hand. "Pancakes."

"Oy, Ry!" Black called out, watching as the guy turned. "You making pancakes?"

"Apparently so." He said, scowling at the green-eyed blonde who was currently making puppy eyes at him. "Blaze, just sit down. You know I'll be making you some, so calm down and sit at the table next to your partner in crime."


"Black, you do know you're just in your boxers, don't you?" Rylan turned to Juniper's mate.

"I'm well aware of that fact, thank you very much."

"OK." He nodded. "Just making sure."

"You've all seen me in less."

"Lyra hasn't." Rylan said, nodding at his red-haired mate sitting at the head of the table. "And I'd like to keep it that way."

"You're both going to have to get over your prudish nature if you want to... y'know..." Blaze was sitting on the kitchen counter in an instant, one forefinger curling into a small ring while the other forefinger slid inside it.

"Blaze." Rylan growled, his cheeks bright red.

"You should borrow some books from Thorn's Library." The blonde continued helpfully. "He's got plenty of books on that topic... Ones I'm sure you and Lyra could use to your advantage..."

A cold frying pan collided with Blaze's head – that being one of the few things Rylan had to hand.

"That idiot never knows when to shut up." A blue-haired Alpha sighed, dragging the blonde to the table without another word.

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