Advantages and Disadvantages

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"You idiot." Brown eyes stared down at her as she sat huddled on the sofa. "You've gone and caught Black's cold... I don't even want to ask what the two of you were doing to transfer germs."

"All I did was give him a bath." Juniper grumbled, glaring up at Alpha Hunter as he pulled the thermometer out from her mouth. "And sit on top of him while giving him his dinner..."

"That'd probably do it." He sighed, his eyebrows knotting together as he stared at the reading.

"What's wrong?"

"Your temperature has gone up... quite dramatically I might add..." Hunter's eyes narrowed. "Are you in any pain down below?"

"I'm not in Heat, if that's what you're asking." Juniper folded her arms. "I'd know. Besides, you said that I probably wouldn't be going into Heat anytime soon..."

"Probably being the key word there."


"Just checking." He raised both hands. "But if you're not in Heat, then you seem to have a severe fever."

"I feel fine."

"The thermometer says otherwise."

"Check again."

"Happily." He said, sticking the thermometer back under her tongue, and when he pulled it out again a few minutes later, the result was the same. "Clearly you don't just have Black's cold..."

"Apparently not."

"Well, I need to get you down to the hospital-"

Something pounded deep within Juniper, her hearing cutting out rather abruptly as she stood in the middle of the dark room. Hairs on the back of her neck were on end, her eyes widening as realisation struck her.

The fever. The odd sickness she felt. The reason the room was swaying slightly.

"I've been poisoned."


"I know the feeling. I've been poisoned plenty of times before..." She shook her head. "I should've realised it sooner..."

"If you've been poisoned, then why haven't we all?!" Hunter folded his arms. "It doesn't make sense."

A feeling of dread rose in Juniper's stomach as the world began to spin. "Unless it's that poison... The one that only works on women..." She mumbled, checking her fingernails, her skin turning an unhealthy shade of white as she spotted the purplish tinge in her fingernails. "It's Nightblade Vera."

"What's that?"

"If you don't know what it is, then I'm screwed!" Juniper muttered, grabbing a hold of him to steady herself. "I can't remember how to treat it... my parent's doctor did it last time..."

"I'll call Finar." He said, moving to leave the room, but Juniper's hand stopped him.

"I can't fight right now." Juniper said, panting slightly as she struggled to remain standing. "Neither can Black."

"What are you on about?!"

"I'm talking about that annoying Light God's Chosen whose standing in the corner of the room!"


"Hurry up and defeat him."

"Happily." Hunter muttered, slamming his fist into the man before he could even blink, watching as the blonde crumbled into a pile of earth.

"He's managed to infiltrate the Castle..." Juniper groaned.

"Is it safe to leave Black alone?!"

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